30 December 2020

2020: The Awakening of Humanity- *COVID-19: The 'non-living' Catalyst of Global Transformation and Mass Spiritual Awakening.*

There has been a mass death of the Human Ego in 2020. 

[Catalyst: "2. an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action", from Merriam-Webster ]

COVID-19 is the virus that has Awakened Humanity en masse.
How ironic that a Virus, (something that is not even scientifically classifies as "alive") that became Global in its spread, has been the Catalyst that has cured (or has begun to cure) the *Viruses* of the Mass Consciousness (!)- the distortions that have been deeply embedded in the Energy Body of the Human Collective for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years - greed, avarice, separation consciousness, competition, hard-heartedness, adulation of fame and celebrity, over-consumerism, classism, faithlessness, etc. etc.

So, What is the scientific criteria for being considered "alive"? Here's a couple of citations. There are countless other articles you can find. Just Google "viruses", or scientific classification of viruses. You'll find a lot to read.

19 October 2020

*Hand-Kissing* Bring-That-Back! {musing} An Occurrence...

One month ago, in the pre-dawn, I was awakened by a feeling of warm lips pressing on the back of my left hand. I opened my eyes a half-gaze to see my own arm, outstretched, palm down, and in deep Receipt of this kiss. The warmth of these lips that-I-could-not-see traveled in a wide, consolidated current up my left arm, and into my Heart center.
     I "came-to" at that Moment, 
         opening my eyes wide, 
     gasping, "What was That?!" 

   I quickly reminisced about the last time I felt that sensation on the back of my hand. The determined Passion, the [polite-but-not-for-long] Longing and Respect [but-soon-your-clothes-will-be-off]... The focused direction of those Intentions was all laid down, and transmitted into that space between the knuckles and the wrist... and then Me, melting [on the inside] into the Floor... 
[Transmission received]   Like in an old Rudolph Valentino movie (above). 

When it's done like that, I say,
"Bring Hand-Kissing Back!"

In a Pandemic World, sure, this practice probably ought 
to be reserved for those who are already intimate
since kissing someones's hand, with no mask, 
is not socially-distant or covid safe. 
But just Wait! Lol.

"The Celestine Prophecy" [Movie]- Rewind, Revisit


* This is a beloved one of mine (right along with Wayne Dyer's THE SHIFT, Dan Millman's THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR, etc. etc... and many books of that vein).
I found it on PlutoTV the other week. I surely needed to watch it again. There'll be commercials on PlutoTV, but it's free streaming... If you have another way to see it, like Amazon, etc... or a get a DVD from your local public library... I recommend the Quality of Inspiration to be Found, here :)
Much Love,
    and Thanks for Being Here. 

Click Here to Tune In, now:

04 October 2020

Return to The Void

“ I Am Eternity Embodied Temporarily “

“I Am Affirmation” spoken to Me, through My Causal Chakra, by My Guides in the Akashic Records, on My latest Sojourn into the Sacred Space (October 3rd 2020), known to some Humans as, “The Void”. After I Received this Affirmation, Together with The Guides, I Created this Photo- of my Self in The Void…

I share this with you, and a little bit of the experience of What-It-Is to Be in this Space known as The Void. I have been brought there, on many occasions, by the Guides assigned to Me over a decade ago, to Assist Me with My Work, in the Akashic Records.

The first time I was brought to The Void was to acquaint Me with the sensations, to ease Me into Connecting with and Surrendering to The-All-That-Is.

The Void is not aptly described by the name given to this Space, for The Void is not empty, although what I noticed first- was the Silence. It is not a “silence” that can be described as “the absence of noise”. It was a quality of Silence that was Still, and Full of Presence. Then, within this quality of Presence, I noticed Sound- a cacophony, all intermingling into an auditory experience that I can only describe through a Visual: like the snow pattern on an old TV.

I could not individuate, or interpret with my Earthly Consciousness, any of the sounds that I heard, but I Knew that they were an Amalgam of sounds of All-That-Existed, in Worlds I had never visited nor heard of.  The Sound was also Full of Presence.

As I was Directed to disengage my Consciousness from the Auditory Field, I returned to the Silence. I saw no light, no color, but Everything was Light. This is what is called “The Holy Silence” in some religious traditions on Earth. I was Directed to stay with this Presence, until I Connected with this Presence and could Feel it inside of My Body.

My Heart Center felt dissolved of and alleviated of All that was Earthly- the heaviness, and the clutter, that is pervasive and inherent to a physical existence on Earth. All of My Bodies- Physical, Mental, Emotional and Etheric- merged into and Became One with the All-That-Is. The Void. I felt At Peace.

It is from The Void that All-That-Exists- in Form, and the Formless- is Birthed. It is Into The Void that the All-That-Is-Birthed - Returns at Its End.

My Own Soul, when It was Created, was Birthed from The Void, long before the Creation of the Planet upon which I now Stand. One day, in a Time that cannot be arranged into a Concept, when All of My Experiences as One-Who-Was-Created are Completed, I will Be Returned…

But that is a Long, long time from now…

With Blessings and the Peace of The Void, I Offer this Transmission
From My High Heart,
Rev. Ursula Carrie

NOTE: February 11, 2022
I sent this article to a friend, just now in January 2022. She is Kosher and a Mystic Interpreter of the Kabbalah, as well as a Shamaness. She told me that my description of The Void is *exactly* how this Space is described in the Kabbalah.

I really loved hearing that feedback.

So, if you've ever wondered what it feels like to be in this place that humans call, "The Void", there seems to be some agreement- in an ancient text- with how I've described it. I am very Thankful that I recorded it while it was very fresh and alive in my Mind and my Energy Fields...

30 April 2020

Death, Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, "The Poltergeist Story" [Client Session Out-Take] w/ Ursula Carrie

Here is an out-take of a [Post-Realignment/Post 5D+ Exorcism] Client Session that I gave in February 2020. I always thoroughly explain everything to my Client in their one-on-one session with me, after their Akashic Records Clearing. Here, I explain, briefly, Death, Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts and tell my "Poltergeist Story"- before explaining to the Client about their Training in the "3rd Order" I want to send them off into the World with a crystal clear understanding, via their Soul's Story/Perspective and what got cleared from their Record, of what happened in their Life and How and Why. Then the Client is fully Empowered to Reexamine their Own Life's Experiences and go forward with this new, higher perspective (hopefully with a healthy application of Self-Love and Self-Compassion)- as they navigate their new, amazing future- unbound by the blocks of the past.
Overview: As of 2020, I’ve been a Soul Realignment™ practitioner for 10 years. My Practice is Very Grounded in my Previous 13 Years of Training in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing- 24 years now, in 2020, as a Healer in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing.
In 2008, I was asked by Spirit to call my blog, therefore all of my activities thereafter, “earth~spirit medicine”.  This means “Marrying Earth and Spirit in the Human Heart.” This is what I embody, how I move through the 3rd Dimension: as someone who has a foot planted firmly in Both Worlds. I Live, every moment of every day, Everything that I Share and Teach.
I call Soul Realignment™, “Exorcism 5D+”, as a way to better explain what Soul Realignment™ is about.

Because of the Ascension to the Higher Dimension, those who were Ready, were given a new tool of healing, to assist other embodied Souls to jump-start their own Ascension process. The old 4th Dimensional tools of healing and moving Energies (Reiki, Vodun, Witchcraft, Burning sage, etc.) are no longer effective and no longer apply to the Ascending Soul. You no longer need another human being to “move” or “shift” energies for you. You will be able to do this for yourself after your Soul Realignment™ is done.
The Soul Realignment™ process, in which I go into the Akashic Record/Soul Record of my client, and remove all of the ‘blocks and restrictions’ that are preventing the True Start of their Ascension process. These ‘blocks and restrictions’ vary, depending on the person/the Soul. In 10 years, I have never seen two Souls with the exact same Soul Story/Soul History/Life Circumstances.
I may find Past Life issues, not limited to: negative entity attachments, contracts, vows, etc… and*/or Current Life issues, not limited to: Golden web chakra tears, possessive entities, negative entity attachments, Negative guides on the Spirit Guide Team, etc… (*meaning there may be a combination of Past and Present Life issues affecting the person/embodied Soul)
Read more at my blog:
Now that my son has grown up and left the nest, I am focusing more on My Work. I will be adding new articles and content, drawn from my many decades of experience, to Assist those who are Awakening and who need these Vital Services that I offer.
Ursula Carrie (the Rev.)

31 March 2020

Because of a Visitation from Urd, letter to the Beloveds at ESM (Facebook post 3.31.2020)

I have been playing his Ascension Game for a long time, now. In fact I have been at this since my first life here, Lemuria. (NO, I did *not* take an incarnation in the time of Atlantis, though.) I have clear memories of many of my Lifetimes, all of which have come back to me in this Particular Life/Lifetime.
When I was in my very early 20's, for some reason, I blurted out to myself, "This is my last incarnation." I didn't know what that meant then. I thought it meant that I was going to die and disappear forever, never incarnate again. It was somewhere in the years that I became a Soul Realignment practitioner that I fully understood: THIS IS MY LAST INCARNATION on a 3rd DIMENSIONAL EARTH. My Soul Vibration has now Ascended into 11th Dimensional Consciousness. The 3D is sloughed away....
I started my blog, "earth~spirit medicine" in 2008. I haven't written on it lately. I'm focusing on other platforms at present. ANY more autobiographical writing or musings are being directed at official publication, in book format.
I was visited by Urd two days ago. This is surprising, for I didn't consider myself to have any affinity with Norse Goddess Energies.... Nevertheless... That's all I can say about that Experience for Now...
Here, FOR NOW is a POST from JUNE 18, 2012, on the EVE of MY 40th TRIP AROUND THE SUN.
Thank You for reading. Thank You for Being Here.
Rev. Ursula Carrie
I didn't do pictures with the posts back then, so... XoXo

08 January 2020

Rev. Ursula Carrie is Celebrating in 2020...

Oh, yes! And let's not forget... 
22 (Earth) Years in The Order of Melchizedek