01 May 2009

Beauty of Darkness

Oh Mary we crown thee
with Blossoms today
Queen of the Angels
Queen of the May
Oh Mary we crown thee
with Blossoms today
Queen of the Angels
Queen of the May

I loved this annual ceremony in my catholic school more than any other we ever enacted.
The crowning of the idol of Mary with all of the most Beautiful May flowers.
But, come on now- who were we really crowning... who were they kidding...?
What a Beautifully Dark Beltane I have been Gifted with!
In Tune with the Cycles and Seasons nearly all my life,
and celebrating the Wiccan Wheel of the Year for the past twenty years-
I have never been drawn to the energies of these Summer Holy Days
(Beltane/May Day, Summer Solstice, Llmas)-
I know now, as I approach my 4th decade of life on this Earth,
that I am a daughter of Hel's Womb- the Matrix of Darkness.
Yes, it is true that my entire waking life from April until October is spent
working with and for the Plants, making medicines, wines and other
potions of Healing and Light...
But it is that first blast of cold crisp air that arouses my Inner Fire... the lure of the Spiral path toward the inward journey... scythe in hand... ready to harvest... to stand as the bridge between Darkness and Light... in the devouring Maw of the Void... to be transfigured, transformed, reborn from the Starstuff of my own deep winter Dreams. Samhain.
That's what I celebrate on May Day.

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