Writings from My Life as * The Twilight * [ Since 2010 - I offer a form of *Modern-Exorcism* that is Safe, Effective, Joyful and Uplifting: the practice of Soul Realignment™ firmly Grounded in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing. ]
17 December 2011
Call Upon Your Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides- and They come!
Late at night, as I was going to bed (1am) on December 15th, I asked my Ascended Masters, Teachers, Spirit Guides and Angels to please come and Inspire me with what I must do as the next step on my path, in support of the Work that I am here to do in the World. WELL! I went to relax myself to sleep, as I needed to get up fairly early (for me) in the morning to take my son to a class. As I did, I felt an Opening in the center line of my entire torso, all the way up to my brain, and the words of this post for this season's Meditation for the Church came rushing into my head! I thought, "I'll write it tomorrow, when I have time." I repeated this thought like a mantra, interspersed with, "Sleep... sleep..." Deep breathing, more relaxation- until finally at 3am (!), I got the point. I sat up, grabbed my pendulum and asked my Higher Self, "Do I ("I" always meaning "We") turn on the computer now and wrote the post?" The answer was, "No." So, I asked, "Do I get up now and write the post in my journal?" That answer was, "Yes." Then I asked, "And can I get to bed by four?" "Yes" So I took my journal to the living room, clicked on the light, and began the first draft. I got to bed at 4:30am. I fell asleep somewhere after 5, thinking, "Geez... I'm not ever going to ask for inspiration before bed! Hey guys, I didn't mean right away!!" LOL! Well, there it is- Ask for Your Ascended Masters, Teachers, Guides and Angels to come- and They do!!! Next time I think I'll ask in the morning over my first cup of coffee! ;)
THE POST (final edited draft- I edit as I type)
available in colors at http://www.sacredearthchurch.blogspot.com
Dear Friends,
We have a Wonderful opportunity available to us in this Moment to join in a Global village Celebration of Light- of Peace, of hope, of Compassion and Understanding amongst Human Beings. It is thus that, the Healing of our Mother Earth can take effect in the transformation of human consciousness.
I have said often upon meeting- in chit chat, in passing, my local community members and lots of folks I don't know, when I am asked the question, "Are you all ready for Christmas?"- "Oh YES! I love Christmas!" I say. (Well, I do)
The energetic reactions to my enthusiastic statement are many, all to which I further reply, "Can you think of any other Holiday in which the entire world seems to be engaged in celebration?" The usual answer is, “No.” And I further, “Even people who aren’t religious are celebrating Christmas…” This very exchange occurred with one of the sweet men who works in my local health food store. Toward the close of our talk, I saw something liquid begin to swirl around in his mind, and his heart seemed to lighten. He exclaimed, “Wow! I feel so happy- I’m smiling!” I said, “Yeah, I know, celebrating the Light with the world is definitely something I can get behind!” He went back to work whistling a new tune, a joyful one! Yeah, that’s the power of Light.
True, there is Hanukkah this month, another very beautiful Holiday that is in celebration of the Miracle of Light sustained in the Darkness. There is Winter Solstice in which we celebrate the returning strength and illumination of the Sun, our Source of Life here on Earth. There is also Kwaanza, an African American Holiday that commemorates and celebrates the principles of Faith, Hope, Love, Light and Charity. None of these are so Universally celebrated by the Human Family as the Holiday of Christmas, religious or not, there is a general feeling of “Yule”-tide cheer. The entire month of December for me is really an amalgam of All of these Holy Days, a Collective Consciousness Intention to be at-One-ment with the Light that is Love, and Joy and Peace and Goodwill towards All Beings on Earth. It is a deep foray into the cleansing of the dark corners of the Human condition that has up until this moment of Transformation, been one of unbalanced ego, fear, separation, suffering. The very non-presence of mind, the disconnection from the Source of our Being that has brought about the suffering and destruction of the very Life that sustains our own. Folks feel more compelled at this time of year to volunteer of their time and give of their resources to assist in the lifting up of other beings that who are in need…
We can ride this Wave, we can Be this Wave, tuning into this collective celebratory feeling on our planet, which is a channeling of the very light of our Higher Presence, our soul essence, the energy of our Mother/Father God/dess whose Divine Flame resides within our own Being, in our own Heart center—and take it Further, sustaining it, like an endlessly rolling wave, creating our future.
Remembering Our Intent
I read a small quote today in my book club catalogue by Louise Hay, founder of Hay House and author of numerous books on healing and self-empowerment, from a book called, You Can Create an Exceptional Life (co-authored with Ms. Hay by Cheryl Richardson). Her interviewer had asked her how she dealt with things like nasty emails and such. Ms. Hay says, “I’m no longer curious about things that will upset me.” I share this because it is another iteration of what we talk about all along, that we must employ the power of our thoughts and our intentions to focus on what positive things we wish to see manifest in our world. Here, in the Church of the Sacred Earth, I am referring most specifically to the Healing of the Land Herself., knowing that this Healing will be most greatly effected by starting with the self-healing and ascended consciousness of each individual human being. I know what some folks tend to focus on in this season: lack of money, loneliness and isolation, even feeling angry that Christmas was “stolen” from the Pagans! We won’t get anywhere on the Healing Path, of ourselves, or our Dear Planet, without whom we would not have a Life to complain about, if we go there! Nor do I feel that I any longer have the curiosity about the things that would upset me, either.
The Healing White Light of My I AM Presence & the Violet Flame of Transmutation Note: I want to acknowledge here that I know that not everyone is on the same spiritual path, or drawn to the same methods of meditation or prayer. Here, I am simply sharing with you all a practice that I have been Guided to, and has been working for me…
A practice that I have been intuitively guided to in these past few months is to call upon the White Light of my I AM Presence. This I AM Presence is the part of me that is Eternal, that is not of this physical world, that Is at-one-ment with my Creator Source Energy. I call this White Light to descend from the above, surrounding me just past my outstretched arms in a tube of brilliance, filling every cell, every atom of my body and anchor below my feet into a tetrahedron shaped Star deep within the Earth.
This is first, and it can take some practice to relax into this visualization, whereby the mind can let go of the active visualization of how this tube of White I AM Light looks and feels as it descends and anchors into the Earth Star.
And then, I breathe deeply and easily into my Heart, allowing all thoughts dissolve, paying them no attention, as they appear in my mind, just allowing them to evaporate back into the mist, focusing on my Breath, the peaceful feeling of being fully in the Moment, the calm in my Heart, feeling the Presence of Mine Self that is beyond Limitation.
Next, calling upon the Presence of one of my Ascended Masters and Teachers (St. Germain), I ask that the Violet Flame be dispensed unto my Being. This is a visualization of deep and vibrant purple-violet flames that often originate in my palms first and travel up my torso to engulf my upper body. Sometimes I direct the visualization to begin at my feet and travel upward, often spreading throughout the room in which I am sitting and throughout my home.
The Violet Flame of Transmutation is called upon to cleanse negativity- within one’s own Being and in one’s environment. I often do this meditation before I am to leave my home for the day, or an afternoon of errands out in the world. Many times, I will do this as I sit in my van at the end of my driveway before pulling off onto the road. I have noticed that, as one’s Consciousness ascends, so does become amplified the sensitivities to what we describe as “negativity”, which are really just the denser frequencies in which the feelings of chaos, fear, and sadness and such are more prevalent. This short and effective practice helps me to maintain an expanded awareness, a feeling of centeredness and calm in my Heart center, and a greater compassion for those denser frequencies that I sense expressed in the other Beings I meet along the way. And I have noticed that this practice helps to soothe some troubled folks that I meet along the way.
As I have said at the beginning of this post, Inherent in the Healing of our Beautiful and Divine Mother Earth and Her Creatures, is the Healing of Each Individual expression of Consciousness, each Human Being. We each are a thread in a Fabric of a Whole, and this Whole is more expansive than any of our imaginations can grasp. As we Heal and Whole Our Individuation of this, this Healing/Wholing holographically radiates out.
Being the Light that Heals the Earth
So, in this Holiday Season in which we are Celebrating the reemergence and sustaining of Light in the Dark, focus every day on building and strengthening your own Light of your Creator Source Presence, whilst employing the gift of the Violet Flame to address anything in your own Self that needs examination or clearing. We can then all Be a living, walking, Breathing Presence of true Self Love and Self Compassion, this which then radiates out to All who would come into your presence- from the checkout woman at the grocery store, to the angry impatient driver behind you on the freeway, to all of the Plants, the Molecules of Air and Water and every creature with whom we share inhabited space on Earth.
When you are in this space of your Meditation, you may wish to consciously Direct this radiant light, and love to a particular person who is hurting, to a specific geographical place or landscape of your area, or to a species or specific animal you know that needs healing. Let this be your choice and let the Moment and your own Intuition guide you. Ask for your Guides and Helpers in Spirit to inspire you with Direction.
Be attentive throughout the day after you have practiced this meditation to your Heart space, breathing deeply and gently into your Heart when you start to feel too harried or troubled, or when you begin to feel the troubles of those about you. Call again for Your White Light of your I AM presence to surround you again, call for the Violet Flame, as many times throughout your day to remind yourself, as you need, as you begin this, until you Emerge into the Knowing that It Is Always with you, Is you.
I feel that you will, in your own Time, with this Practice, feel a shifting in energetic vibrations within you- You being a Magnificent, Powerful Co-Creator of this physical World of Earth- thus effecting a most Beautiful, Glorious Transformation into Unity amongst Diversity… The Healing of the World!
May Your Holiday Season Be Blessèd.
Ursula Carrie
· We will work more with this exercise in the future.
· A YouTube playlist has been created for you as a visual and meditative assistance to your work with the White Light of your I AM presence and the Violet Flame. (link attached below)
Being the Light that Heals the World- CSE meditation support
Blessings, and Thank You for Being a part of this Sacred Mission. XoXo
And don’t forget the “Dance Break”!
Shining Star, by the ever soulful Earth, Wind and Fire!
END POST for Church of the Sacred Earth
24 November 2011
On Following the Heart this Thanksgiving
Sometime within the past year he had approached me with a similarly softly and sensitively pronounced statement, "Mom...? I don't really want to eat the Cow..."
Each time he has stated such, something within my own heart has echoed his sentiment. Although our energies are oftentimes very different of course, one thing that we seem to share is a deep empathy and respect for Life, the animals in particular. Not to say that we are vegetarians, but meat has quite a rare presence in our home for sure.
This week has been very difficult for me, as I am sensitive to energies in general, but particularly to the energies of the mass consciousness of the society that I was raised and still live in. "Everyone" getting ready, buying frozen or fresh Turkeys, the frenzied thronging of the grocery stores, the busying the streets.
The conflicts arise inside of me, the battle between- the cultural conditioning I received in my upbringing, and the voice of my own Heart, wherein the Wisdom of God and my higher Self lies. We are taught from a very young age in this world that all Self-Guidance and Inspiration that rises from the Heart must be discouraged in favor of logic, Reason, mental process. However, as one Awakens to and begins to pursue a path of Spiritual Knowledge, no matter what religion it would seem, we are then told to be in Silence and listen to the Heart because that is how we connect with our Mother/Father God. In psychological, self help and healing modalities employed for self transformation and tapping our highest human potentials, we are told to listen to the heart as well for therein lies our Truth...
So where does one go, what does one do when the 'whole world' is busying about celebrating a holiday that their Heart and Highest Self is not in Resonance with?
Because I felt so deeply this conflict of not really wanting to go along with this so called "turkey day", I considered a lot the meaning of this holiday called "Thanksgiving", its history, inherent meaning, and why is is purported to be an occasion to celebrate in this country, and the hows and whys of the dissonance I felt with it.
Thanksgiving was initally a three day event in 1621 because the Pilgrims were so thankful for their first harvest and to the Native Americans who taught and helped them to figure out how to grow food here. The Native peoples showed an incredible amount of Selfless Love and Generosity to "uninvited" settlers in their homeland, even after so many of them had been tricked by the English and taken back to Spain to be sold into slavery. This included Squanto, who happened to be "sold" to an Englishman, and who upon being able to return to his homeland found all of his Pawtuxet people had died of Eruopean plague! I am hoping that the Pilgrims, then, were very much aware of the fact that they all could have died of starvation had it not been for the visit of the Wampanog, Samoset, who had gone and enlisted the help of Massasoit of the Wampanoag, the people that Squanto had joined when he found all his people gone.... Yes, intellectually, I understand all of this- and the reasons that the last Thursday in November was declared a national holiday by President Lincoln.
However, during the many, many decades that have passed since this historic day and since this Proclamation, something has been lost, although I can not be certain if it was even there to begin with, as I was not there. I am speaking of the reverence for the Life that has been taken to nourish the lives of all who are partaking in the meal, that is including the vegetable plants who equally share a yearning of Life's self expression.
It feels as of what this holiday is really about for Americans now (yes getting together with family which of course is nice) is "pigging-out" until one's gut "busts", and then sitting on the couch to watch football. Oh, yeah, and having "leftovers" for the next week.
I think of all of the Turkeys, and how much they must have suffered, been kept in pens, unable to move about, being force-fed and "fattened" on grains and other things that are completely foreign to their natural diet in the wild, how they were mercilessly slaughtered, then packed, frozen, shipped to a grocer, and how many thousands will sit unsold in a grocer's freezer, or rot in a refrigerator case. And really, I just don't want to eat that. Niether apparently does my child. As I have tried in this past week to convince myself that I should do this because "it's what we do" on the last Thursday in November, the conflict inside of me only raged harder.
Because we have so much in this country, there is gross excess as a result of taking way more than is needed. We take more than we need, we devestate the land, as a species, and still there are those who are starving. How can this be?
We waste, thoughtlessly, completely disconnected from the Sentient Life whose Life was taken through the portal of physical death, so we can continue to "live". Though, most humans are not really living, not to the Highest Path and Purpose of their Soul, not according to the Divine songs of Truth that resonate within their Hearts, with the Joy of being alive that is our Divine Blueprint and our Birthright.
We are a society, for the most part, of connive-thrive-drive robots, brainwashed by our corporate controlled government to be obediently submissive to what we are told, which is to not think for our self-to follow orders- "do what you have to do"- to work-consume-retire, for a moment, then die. Nearly every Thanksgiving dinner I have been to in my life was celebrated by rote. I have rarely remembered anyone offering to say Grace, or any prayer of thanks for the food, until I, as I grew older, initiated it- and then the participants bowed their heads mostly to "humor" me, not that I sensed one heart open up to really feel it.
Desensitization is a sickness of the world we live in. We move too fast and use the wrong organ to think. I "wanted" to eat Thanksgiving dinner because that's how I was raised, not because that's where my Heart is. My mind says, "You must do this because it is Tradition." My heart says, "I do not need a dead bird on my table, one day a year, to fold my hands in Prayer and Thank my Creator that I am here, to be Thankful to All of the life that has nourished me and kept me alive on this Beautiful planet."
I do acknowledge that all living things must die in order to support the continuance of Life on this planet. It is the way physical life is set up here. But, I choose not to participate in a Tradition for Tradition's sake, especially if the quiet voice inside of me says, "No." I even tried in one last ditch effort to do what I was "supposed" to do on this day, and offered my son, on our grocery trip yesterday, to buy and roast a chicken. He firmly said, "NO!" WE moved on...
So, today, I choose to be Still, to breathe into and BREATHE OUT my social conditioning, and follow the guidance of my Higher Self, the part of me that lives with God, my Essential Self, the Voice of Which resounds in the Center of my chest. I mean, isn't that what we are all here to do...? Really.
From my Highest Heart, and In Service to All Life, I send
- Ursula Carrie
14 November 2011
Notes from my Journal: On the Full Moon 11/10 and the 11.11.11 Ascension Gateway
Welcome to the New Earth, our precious Home in this Galaxy of stars. We Lightworkers have been amplifying the Violet Flame of Transmutation within our beings for many years, many lifetimes, now in preparation for this Glorious Transformation of darkness, fear and separation into the shifted Paradigm of Light, Divine Love and Universal Consciousness. For this shift in Awareness within the Human Mind/Soul to take place, many breakdown of current economic, political and other systemized energies of the Dark Ones have needed to occur- for it is in the dismantling and dissolution of the Old that a new form may have its Birth.
We Starseeds and Awakened Souls have been working as One Body, one Group Avatar of Light, first in the shifting and opening to the awakening within our own Individual Soul Selves and projecting this Heart Light to the many places upon this Earth where Healing was needed to occur. I see the expanse of my current life ‘till now, and know every moment, every synchronicity, every message, every teacher that was brought to cross my path that has prepared and catapulted me to the moment of this 11.11.11 Ascension Gateway. I have been releasing past life misdeeds, enacted out of fear, sorrow, isolation, sadness that culminated into a misuse of my Divine God Power upon this Earth. I have forgiven, deeply, with Divine Perspective, as one who could only be in and react to situations through the old paradigms of a Love Beacon that had been tainted by the Darkness on this Earth… But we have Ascended into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness, knowing that All of Mother/Father God’s plans for this reality were always to be a world of Perfect Divine Love, Divine Light and Divine Truth. It does begin in the Within of Each Soul Being in their Physical Form- the awakening to Truth. Yes I know there are as many kinds of Truth as there are individuated consciousnesses in existence, however I speak here of the Truth of Universal Consciousness, that truly, even though we are separate beings and meant to experience ourselves as such, that in Truth, we all emanate from the same source of creation (as mysterious as that is), and the acknowledgement of such is the key in saving ourselves and our dear Earth from self destruction. The primary question, as I have asked myself being, “What is my Truth?” The answer, which is found in the Heart, may or not resonate with the dominant paradigm of mass consciousness- fear, materialism, consumerism, scarcity, isolation, competition, anger, blame, unbalanced attachments to manipulation and control… Once this Truth is allowed to speak and be heard, I happen to know, requires a tremendous amount of courage to be followed.
We have a great opportunity before us in the past several months to ask ourselves many questions to clarify what each one of us envisions as their own Life Experience on this Planet? What do we hold as the Sacred Vision for the Plants, for the Trees, for the Birds, the Four-Leggeds and Mammals and Fishes of the seas, for the Beings so small we rarely can see? But we feel them. How in this New Earth, that we are Now creating through these thoughts, do we envision our world? It is said that ‘in the beginning was the Word’, but before the Word was spoken, there was Thought, the most powerful element in creation, Intent. We intend our lives, the circumstances, the chance encounters, synchronicities that bring all of this world into the form that we claim to see before our eyes. And it is called Illusion. Our experience here grows and changes as many others with whom we are co-creating are also intending it. This has been called Morphic Resonance. It is called many other things, the Hundredth Monkey effect, and so much more.
We as a race of Intending beings became enslaved many millennia ago to those known as the dark and we forgot, by conditioning, our Divine power to create. We forget who we were, and what most of us had come here to do. We did not remember the vision of Earth as a Holy place in which we (mostly) 5th Dimensional Beings had to come to create, play and love, to experience ourselves as Creator God-sparks in a 3rd Dimensional playground of physical human form. And although the polarities of darkness/light were necessary in this play, the scales of influence had become severely unbalanced, creating a spiral of destruction, rather than regenerative creation, in this world. For untold thousands of years the knowledge of these inherent abilities in every human being was suppressed, only available to the few who held power over the many through intimidation and fear, and to those who became the Spiritual Masters in Earth’s History who worked very hard to go against the grain and follow the messages of light that they were receiving in their Hearts.
But, now in this Timeline of accelerated gifts of technology, spiritual and transformative information is available to the masses like never before in our human history to help the seeker develop their latent abilities to Know, to Perceive, to Understand. Since the beginning of our physical existence here we had been seeded with the codes in our cellular structure and the information that were to be opened and awakened within those who were ready at this pivotal moment in Earth’s history to ascend their consciousness back Home to the 5th dimensional, Unity Consciousness Awareness. It shall be only this, a Knowing that we are all one in this fabric of life and that every thought and action we perform as individuals resonates on a scale much larger than our limited perception or language can explain. Those who have done, or begun, this Work and risen up through the Assistance of many Ascended Masters, Guides, Archangelic Presences and Teachers, are redirecting this sacred intent back to Mother Earth and to all of her beautiful sentient Lifeforms, to restore the original Divine blueprint of Love and co-creative Abundance, Joy, Connection and Unity amongst diversity. Does not mean that there will never be polarity here, or that there will be no physical deaths in order to give or sustain life, for that is the nature of the experiment here. Nor does any of this mean that earthly Life will be without challenges, as in this Earth School, it is the very presence of challenges that assist each of us in Growing our Soul.
This is what I have so affectionately called the Church of the Sacred Earth, the way I first heard these words whispered to me so long ago. A “church” is (paraphrased from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition, Ó1999) {“ a building for public worship; a body or organization of religious believers; a congregation”, the roots of which mean 1) “of the lord” from the Greek “kyriakos” or “lord, master” from the Greek “kyrios” 2) “hero, warrior” from the Sanskrit “sura”}. What does this mean? Why is it so named? Because, We are the Movement to this higher realization that we each are the Energies of Divine Light; that each one of us is an Emanation of our creator; that each of is a container, a vessel of Divine Love and Truth; that each of us is a Warrior on the path of our own Soul’s evolution and enlightenment; that in this present timeline and incarnation we have chosen to experience the creation of ourselves in this place of public worship of this experience that we call Earth; and that this World of Sentience is Sacred, period. It is a Blessing to be Here, challenges acknowledged, I am thankful.
You are invited to pray/meditate with us, as one group avatar, now and in the coming year, as we collectively lay down a path of Light that those who will choose to come into Being on this New Earth can experience and follow. Many of our young children have already arrived with the intent to carry on what we have begun, bringing enlightenment to the next level of soul evolution on this planet. We are all assisting this Beautiful and Precious Mother Gaia to resurrect and restore Her original Blueprint of Sacred Heart Love and Joyful co-Creation. It seems like a monumental task, I know. But in the Now, present moment, each moment of Deep Breathing, we remember to focus on our Hearts, to be Still and Know our very own I AM presence on Earth. I mean, I know where this is all headed as much as anyone else does, and what do we really “know”? For the Time being, what I do Know is that I must stay in my Heart center, with my feet planted in the Earth, and with the other half of me in Spirit, doing my best to make the most of this Beautiful Gift of Life that I have been given here on this Planet. That I may leave behind for my child, for the generations to come, a World of Love and Beauty and co-operation and high creativity, so that he and all the others may also come to know themselves through their experiences on this planet as the Eternal creative bits of blessed God-stuff that they so Gloriously Are, Here and Forevermore.
In the Highest Good of All Beings throughout the Universes,
I Remain in Service, and in Faith,
Ursula Carrie
13 November 2011
A Personal Note on Healing and Planetary Service
When I had finished my training as a Soul Realignment/Property Realignment Practitioner, I went through a long period of self inquiry as to how I was going to “put myself out there” as a practitioner of this Akashic Record soul level method of healing. One of my questions being, “What are to be my fees be for this service?” In our course materials and coachings by the teacher of this modality, it is suggested that our fees be a reflection of our self esteem, our self worth in short. I had some trouble with this.
For the past year I sat with this, have been working with myself, with my higher self, in relation to past deeds in my most recent past life here. I am sure that most healers on the planet today can relate to past life memories of being ostracized, perhaps tortured and killed by the communities that they served. The world at those times were not ready for the simple “feats” of healing and seeming magic that those who were tuned in to a higher wisdom could offer to those humans who were ill, and suffering, like the midwives who were tortured and imprisoned for lessening a woman’s pain in childbirth; like the healers who helped through what we now in this age call “Reiki” or faith healing and the like. Some were victimized by this, and some attempted to turn this feeling of powerlessness into the abuse of power. As my inner knowing of my past was confirmed for me by the very intuitive Soul Realignment practitioner who conducted my own realignment that set me off onto this path, I was one of the ones who, through my own fears, isolation, sadness and rejection by my community, even though folks did not hesitate to surreptitiously seek me out when they wanted what I had to offer (and never being a victim in any of my existences), had evolved at that time into an abuser of my own God power. This is one of the things I had to sought to work out in this lifetime.
Many healers can relate to this, the hiding of one’s self, the reluctance to “put oneself out there” because of this issue if abuse of power that is so prevalent in this world today, in our governments and political and economic systems, false gurus and spiritual teachers, power plays in the simplest of relationships amongst family members. And, although a Healthy Ego is vital to knowing our Self as the Individuated Consciousness that each one of us is, it is that other sort of Ego that leads to destruction. It is part of the imbalance of our world that many of us seek to rectify through Right Action in our relationship with our own selves, and with the world.
Recently, I had joined in with my sisters and brothers of the Children of the Sun Foundation (www.childrenofthesun.org) for the seven weeks of beautifully articulated meditations and journeys that lead up to what was called the 11.11.11 Ascension Gateway. I had been working with a process of Remembrance, Self-Love, Self-Forgiveness and Release for many years already. It wasn’t until the week that was leading up to my participation in the Rite of Passage #6, the Rite of Selfless Service, that something very deep finally opened up for me, in my Heart of hearts. I felt Compassion for myself for the very first time in this life. I felt Love. I felt deep Forgiveness. I, at a psychic and soul level, made an intent and sincere decision to stop punishing myself for my past, for all and any transgressions I may have made in all lives past and in this one, for any abuses of Divine God power. Meaning, that I decided that it was Time to lovingly release all of the punishment I was holding towards myself, for abusing the Gifts I had that had been meant to Serve humanity, selflessly, with Love and in Humility. This was no easy task, as it is often said, “the most difficult one to forgive is one’s own self”. Wow.
So, why would one write all of this down, then share this very personal process of Becoming with “the world”, so to speak? Well, I feel that it is in the sharing of experiences with our human family that we are fulfilling our Sacred Roles as Mirror to one another. It was this way when I read some of Lynn V. Andrews’ books years ago, reading of her experiences and training with the Medicine Women, for example. In reading her words and following her experiences as they unfolded, I felt that I had a mirror to my own experiences along my own Shamanic Path that was accelerating.
We really can no longer cling to the ways of isolation, of clutching our spiritual experiences to ourselves, thus leaving ourselves in a place where we always feel alone in what is blossoming within. This old way will not serve the building of the community of enlightened beings that we are destined to become, if the planet, at least humanity, is to survive Earth’s Changes. There are far too many who are going through the same and similar processes, feeling as if they are the only ones that these very mystical and beautiful things are happening to. The Modern Visionary, Barbara Marx Hubbard, speaks of this- of the Isolation that is part of the cultural identity of Americans in particular. The culture I grew up in. The part of my Cultural Inheritance I am more than willing to let go of, promptly. And how is this done? By breaking out, reaching out, taking a leap of courage- and speaking about it. I am so appreciative of the ones who had the courage to do so before me, who wrote their books and shared their stories. Thank you.
So, I came around to this question again, “How do I set my fees for work as a Soul Realignment/Property Realignment practitioner?”
The first consideration I had was this: I am a single parent and the sole provider of food, clothing, shelter and education to the Beautiful being of Light that asked to be Present on this Planet through me. This is a Big consideration.
The second consideration was the acknowledgement that: In a practical sense, on another very practical physical world level, we are living in Times when folks don’t have as much to go around, in the money sense. And a lot of people who really want and need this healing at their soul’s level will often be making a choice of either paying the electric bill, or having Healing work done. And in order for them to gain the perspective that, “The bill money is flowing and is coming. All is well.”, they must first be assisted in releasing the Blocks and Restrictions on their Soul’s record that are hindering their growth to this end.
The third consideration was: Understanding what “money” is. Money is a form of Energy. Someone gives of their physical/psychic, etc. energy and time, and if the recipient is not also giving of the same in exchange, then green paper is given in a corresponding numerical amount, depending on how much effort/time was given to them.
The fourth consideration was: How much are other soul realignment practitioners, that I have seen, charging for their services?
The last, and most earnest, for me was this: I have, and have always had, a deep gnawing in my gut to be of service to others. My nickname as a child was, “Nurse Urs”, because whenever anyone exhibited signs of being ill, I would rush to them with a cool cloth to put on their head! My mother tells me a story of when she had me in beauty pageants as a wee one, and I spent almost the whole time as I waited to go up on stage (which I was so excited about and couldn’t wait), comforting the little girl ahead of me in line who was crying and terrified…
I want and need to serve, that’s what I am Here for, for All of the Life that needs me, whilst being able to care for my child and my family.
So then this process leads me to the notion that, one must wonder, “What happens in a Soul Realignment reading/healing?” I mean, it is a fairly new modality to emerge into the world, certainly not as familiar as things such as Reiki (which does not even scratch the surface! I know, I have trained as a Reiki healer, too!).
What Do I Learn/What Happens in a Soul Realignment Session?
The Realignment?Clearing process of Blocks and Restrictions on one’s Soul Record, for me, usually involves 4-6 Hours of Intuitive Investigative work on my part. This work is done before the Client Consultation via telephone, which is an additional 1 Hour, as well as an Mp3 recording of the call in which I present the findings to the client.
The first part of the reading consists of the Soul Profile, which includes:
· Your Soul’s Group of Origination
· Your Archangelic Realm(s)/Energy Centers of Training
· The Spiritual Order(s) you participate in
· How many Guides are on your Spirit Guide team (if any negative guides are present, they will be cleared by the Realignment process)
· And more…
The second part of the reading consists of the Blocks and Restrictions present on your Soul’s Record (which, by the time of the phone consultation will have been cleared, instigated by my prayer request, and conducted by the Akashic Records Guides, and your Own team of Guides, teachers and Angels)
· Vows and obligations
· Curses, pacts, bindings, spells
· Contracts
· Attaching, stalking and or possessing negative entities
· Golden Web chakra tears
· Emotional and/or mental body Programs
· And more…
In essence, what I am doing is putting on the hat of spiritual detective. Through an extensive, intuitive questioning process of my Akashic Records Guides, I am unearthing the Soul’s story, as written in their Akashic Record. There is plenty of information available on the internet, or books at your local library that can help you know what the Akashic Record is.
PLEASE NOTE: The listed examples of Blocks and Restrictions are just that, EXAMPLES. Not every Soul’s Record is the same. That would be impossible, and certainly not the point of Individuality. Also, the blocks and restrictions may have been acquired by the client either in their present lifetime, or in past lifetimes. What I seek, as a practitioner, is not only to discover the block or restriction itself, but the choices made by my client, through their Free Will Choice, that created the situations, habits, emotional and/or mental patterns that led to the creation of the block/restriction in the first place. It sounds like a big pill to swallow but once the person understands and Knows it in their very being that the situations have been created by Free Will Choice, the inevitable results I have seen so far, is that they feel so much more empowered to choose differently in the future. And they can do so without the burdens of past unconscious choices weighing them down. There will always be challenges, that is the very Nature of Human/Physical life, but we have the power, much more than we realize, to choose and recreate our Life Story in the Present.
Donations/Fees: As an act of Planetary Service, to make this much needed healing available to a broader range of Humans seeking Enlightenment and Freedom, this is what I wish to be my offering. {Bear in mind that most Soul Realignment Practitioners, to my understanding, charge anywhere from $150-$195 for a basic soul Realignment, and my fee had been set at a lower $144, in correspondence with the Sacred Numbers of the Ascended 144 Crystalline Grid of the New earth, and the 144 points of intersection on our Golden Web.}
The new Sliding Scale Donation/Fees are as follows:
· Soul Realignment Consultation (adults 18 & over) - $108 - $144
· Soul Realignment for our Children (children 17 & younger, but no younger than 8 weeks of age)- $72 - $108
AND- Don’t forget The Property Realignment!
There are so many Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, and Poltergeists roaming over the Planet who simply can’t, or don’t want to, move on into the Light. Also, portalways to other realms that were opened and never closed, and Negative and positive Entities that can become attached to our Living Spaces and properties, and so often these unseen influences can really muck up the Vibes of our Home, causing things to occur, or discomforts that we just can’t explain- no matter how many times we move the furniture around, paint, etc. There are other things I research and clear in a Property Realignment Reading/Clearing.
A Property Reading and Realignment calls upon Our very Mother Earth, the Elemental Beings and other Helpers in Spirit with a special prayer request, and with the Assistance of the Akashic Records Guides, to clear the Akashic record of the Home and Property. Yes, the Earth, and all locations upon Her, has an Akashic Record, too! I consider the Property Realignment a VERY IMPORTANT service in the Raising of Earth’s Vibration- through them, We are clearing the Earth herself of destructive negativity!
· Property Realignment/Healing- Sliding Scale- $50 - $72
* NOTES on Donations/Payments: All of the Pay Pal payment buttons on my blog reflect the top portion of the Sliding scale. If you are going to send a donation/payment that is less, please send me an e-mail at sacred_earth@yahoo.com, stating your intentions and your order information as listed in the requirements on the “Readings/Order Info” page of my blog, and I will tell you how to send the payment through your PayPal account. Checks and US money orders are also accepted.
Divine Guidance and Blessings on Your Path.
I look forward to Hearing from You.
Ursula Carrie
15 September 2011
On Transformation
The cleansing destruction of Earth changes arrived in my current home area earlier this month. Hurricane Irene. I have been saying that, here in the North East, Hudson River Valley of New York state, We are ready for a good Nor'easter in the winter- but the Deep Flooding we have recently experienced, and High Winds, we are wholly unprepared for. The Landscape is Changing. What I knew as a Child of this Valley Transforms. Expectations do not apply.
Who am I without Electricity? Who am I if I can not send an email? Call someone? Turn on the light?
This was my meditation as I awoke Sunday morning to torrential rain, an island where the expansive green lawn used to be. Waters rushing over the earth, that would too wash us away, my son and I. We pushed sandal-footed feet, slowly feeling for ground, through these rivers in our driveway. Umbrellas held tight, we forged to the road to see what was happening beyond our Shelter of Trees.
There was a driveway across the street, a small road that was now the bed of a raging brown waterfall...
That was the storm. The Rains did cease.
In the mid afternoon on the second day, I ventured us out to look at the world, see about provisions, to gather Information. Where was the dry ice, who still had wet ice. Who had a generator wad was making coffee. Talking with the townspeople. Making calls from Family. What roads were closed. Where was it passable. Who was still able to pump gas.
One thing is certainly true, that the greater our awareness, the more responsibility we have in holding this light, embodying the light of creation, and holding it up as a beacon for all those who wish to follow. And then, we have our own process to undergo at this time, "the burning off of the dross". In order to be a vessel of Light, all darkness (ego, fear, etc), often accumulated in the course of several lifetimes, must be brought to the surface for clearing. It has been an intense time for lightworkers due to this heavy process. I have found in my experience that I am required to be so much gentler with myself (my former tendencies have been to be super-critical of myself and my imperfections). If I can not offer myself the sincerest, deepest of compassion, how can I be in that on someone else's behalf?
I am caught between the worlds- Earth and Spirit. My vision is one that is divided. I am not of this world, yet I am part of it. There is the illusion made Real. And how much of it is so?
05 March 2011
"Our Restaurant"
"Mom can we buy this?" It was a small plastic bird feeder, on sale for fifty cents.
"What do we need a bird feeder for?" I asked.
He wanted it. For the price, I figured I could satisfy his request. So we bought the little blue roofed feeder and a bag of seed and brought it home to our apartment in the woods.
I screwed in an "L" hook over the window frame outside, over the tiny garden bed that I had claimed beneath the window, filled the little feeder with seed and we watched and waited. Eventually, our first "customers" (the Tufted Titmouse) came and enjoyed the nourishment we provided.
It wasn't long before word spread throughout the winged community that a new "restaurant" was in town and open for business. The Tufted Titmice were soon followed by Blackcapped Chickadee and the upside down trapeze antics of the Whitebreasted Nuthatch. We even had an occasional visitor in the Downy Woodpecker. I found all of our new friends in the large and colorful bird book given to us for Christmas that year. I scanned and printed pictures of our friends and my son and I made a large poster in tribute to them, which I asked him to decorate, handing him a simple black marker. He did a splendid job. That poster still hangs on our eastern wall, next to the window where we still watch our friends come to feed...
The following winter, we decided that we wanted to attract more "business", so I purchased another feeder of the same type- and we switched to all Black Oil Sunflower seed, which is what the birds from the previous year seemed to prefer. Before the chill of autumn had segwayed into winter, familiar looking birds were perching on the plastic trellis that arches over the edges of the window, first looking around, then looking up towards the sky- to the place where the feeder hung the previous year. I was certain that old friends had returned.
It is my general rule that I do not hang my feeders until I am certain that the Bears have gone to bed for the winter, as it is a careless practice of humans to leave food out that will attract the Bears too close to human habitat. Mostly I believe that this is more perilous to the Bears, as humans have a tendency to blame the animal, who is simply following instinct, for any damage done. In the second year, with our new expanded restaurant, we saw more kinds of birds come to dine- our same faithful Tufted Titmice, Blackcapped Chickadees, Whitebreasted Nuthatches- and a few more, this time "ground-hoppers", large families of Dark Eyed Junco, and small groups of Tan Striped White Throated Sparrow. We were also introduced to the American Goldfinch who sat at the feeder, wearing their winter coat of muted browns and mottled yellows around their wings.
I observed that the American Goldfinch, a funny little bird indeed, was quite different from their counterparts in that- instead of taking a seed, flying away to eat the seed, and returning for another and repeating the process- the Goldfinch would sit at the feeder and eat and eat, chasing away even the larger Titmouse by opening their beaks as if hissing at them, until they were satisfied. Then they would fly away. The Goldfinches came in large families, late in the morning, fussily casting unwanted seeds to the ground, which the Juncos and Sparrows happily ate up. After which, the rest of the "high birds" could happily carry on with their feeding.
I wanted to see more Woodpeckers, though. And after noticing how much the Woodpeckers enjoyed the suet cakes a friend had hanging outside his cabin, the following winter, I invested in a suet feeder. This was winter of 2008/09. And the Woodpeckers did come. First, the tiny Downy Woodpecker, males with their brilliant patch of red blotted in the middle of the smooth black stripes on the back of their heads, and the female. Soon followed the Hairy Woodpecker, similar looking to the downy, but larger in body and longer in beak.
Our birds were one of the sweet delights that made me excited for the winter and sad to see the spring come, when it was time to put the feeders away and let "My Birds" forage on their own.
In winter 2009, I had grown weary of the life in the town in which we lived and I desperately needed a break- I longed for a change in scenery. I had recently become reacquainted with an old friend, sadly due to the loss of his father. And he had extended an invitation to come out to visit with him and his fiance in Phoenix, Arizona. I'd had just enough money left after paying my bills for the winter to purchase two plane tickets for myself and my son, and we were off to Phoenix, to spend five weeks, from January until mid February...
The city life, though an interesting experience, was not for me. I enjoyed the Saguaro Cacti. How we marveled at how tall they were, as tall as our small apartment building in the woods. And I certainly could not believe my eyes at how large the Rosemary grew outside of the Tempe Public Library- it was as large as a bush! I had never seen one so big! But I looked all over the city for Birds. Searched the skies. Only on occasion did I see a few Common Grackles in the city- and one Red Tailed Hawk, forty miles outside the city on one of our hikes... How I missed My Birds! I'd left seed for them at home in hopes that the woman who visited to care for my cats would too fill the feeders for the birds. She said that she was not going to climb into the garden patch to be prickled by the bush there to feed some ol' birds!
There was still some winter left when we happily arrived at home. I filled the feeders straight away- and we waited some days for them to realize that we'd returned. How happy we both were when they flew to our window! Perhaps the Birds were happy, too...
This year has been a bit more challenging, as a newcomer has discovered the feeder station- the Squirrels! I am finding out first hand what a nuisance they truly can be to an "open air restaurant" such as ours! I have retied and replaced the rope of both of our feeders many times, as they are so smart, they figured how to chew through the ropes to bring the feeders crashing and spilling to the ground! Rascals! Even the purchase of special squirrel food (dried corn, large pumpkin seeds and peanuts) left in dishes on the ground has not deterred them. I have since decided that my best recourse for the remainder of the feeding season is to remove the bird feeders before retiring for the evening, and offer a small amount of food in dishes on the ground and on a small wooden chair I have in the garden bed- until the squirrels have finished foraging their morning meal. I have observed this to finish up at about 11am. Then, I carry the small feeders out to the window hooks, where My Birds may go about their feeding undisturbed. We have the same cast of characters this year, with the addition of a solid group of Blue Jays who may now feast upon the Black Oil Sunflower seeds I scatter over the mound of snow in the garden bed for the "ground hoppers"...
All in all, I have learned so much, and each year we make improvements to our feeding station. And I never fail to thank my son for that sweet and innocent request, four winters ago in the "dime store", a request full of so much Wisdom and Insight into our Beautiful Future. Thank You, Honey, again and again. The Birds Thank You, too.
I guess Next Year we'll have to invest in a "Squirrel-Proof" Feeder! :)
18 February 2011
It lives and breathes in me.
A 60 degree February day gave much relief of ice covered driveways.
In the kiss of warm winds, we removed our woolen hats
and donned a lighter jacket.
It was a day to emerge as the ants begin a sleepy trail into the kitchen
and a familiar Spring bird sings one throaty song in the morning sun.
A portent of what is to come.
The Earth is Awakening.
I am called forth from the Dream.
I peek out, briefly, from my Hermitage
and my Heart fills with the promise of tomorrow.
Night falls, the snowy landscape glows in the Full Moon light.
A cold wind bends and sways the trees,
the window chimes thrust into constant Melody.
It is not yet Time.