18 June 2012

RE: Ascension.

At Present it feels as my entire Being-
my physical body, my emotions, my psyche- and all their inherent parts...
My past, all my past lives, my present...
have all been dumped into a Cosmic Centrifuge...
and I am spinning and spinning around the axis-
 and all that is not really ME, the Essence of WHO-I-AM,
 are being siphoned through screens,
 the dense matter is dropping to the bottom, being screened out...
all the while I am spinning, losing track of Time or even the "importance" of it...
my Center is Calm, my Heart Opening more
I am suffused with Light
refined... becoming lighter...
being asked to revisit one last time all the pain and negative emotions/memories that I had buried, believing I had already managed to let go...
But now I am asked by my Higher Self to be the Observer...
to thank these experiences for teaching me,
for bringing me to the next level of my development,
to bring me into contact with Love for Myself...
to feel the Release, now, from this higher place... Awakened... Awake... Aware...
Not easy to do,
but it is so much simpler Knowing how much Love and Support there is for me,
now that I Know my Guides and Ascended Masters/Teachers.
My Soul Realignment started this accelerated transformation for me.
I feel Blessed to have made the Choice in this Life to continue to learn,
to read the Akashic Records, for myself, for my son, for Family and Friends.
None of us quite know where this is all headed,
but I am absolutely certain that it is to
an existence here on Earth
that is more Beautiful and Joyful than I can possibly now imagine...
There is Support and Love for You, too, Magnificent Beings.
Rev. Ursula Carrie