20 July 2013

In the Midst of the Heatwave, in the Crucible of Change

This is the crucible! I have been hearing about this. And here we are, here I am. The summer here in the Northeast of the United States has been the HOTTEST that we have known in Years! Even people who profess to love the heat are saying, "Enough! Enough!"

Yes, the Heat has been unrelenting. The plants on my deck, which are "supposed" to be "Full Sun" plants are turning yellow and wilting, no matter how much water I give to them...

I have heard in the months leading up to this Moment that Mother Earth would be doing this, as a component of our Ascension process, we would be tested with our resilience in extreme weather... Yes, we made it through the recent hurricanes that hit our area. We made it through the power outages, through  the winter. NOW comes the Heat!

I feel as if I have been placed in a Crucible. Heated and heated to temperatures unbearable, having NO choice but to find a way to cope. I can say that I do not feel that I have always been coping very well- especially this week. More than once I have found myself becoming SO irritable, and the usual smiles I have to offer all those I meet to be in very short supply- if they were present at all! One member of my CSA was astonished on this past Wednesday (my birthday) that I was quiet, unsmiling, dripping with sweat- literally until all my clothing was stained with the wet... She exclaimed- "I've never seen YOU in a bad mood!" She seemed quite upset by this. I could only reply, "Well, I'M HUMAN." This seemed to further upset her.... Sigh...

It is not always easy Being 100% shining the Light, even though when we Know and Understand that this is what we are here to do, that this what we chose before we came into this Incarnation. It is actually in my nature to Be this way- Unconditional, nonjudgmental, Loving...

BUT- We still go through our processes- and the Intense HEAT is amplifying this process. "Crank it up" the Mother seems to be saying to me. And OH, how it IS! How the DROSS is being brought up by this external Heat, more and more, to be BURNED away! I think, "How much MORE Darkness could I possibly HAVE?" !!!!! But it not just this current lifetime of experience coming up for cleansing through Fire, it is LIFETIMES- and I have had MANY on this planet...

What I find is the best to do, and in fact the ONLY real "thing" that can be "done" is to just STAY in the moment- do NOT struggle, do not fight it, do not wonder, "When the hell is it going to be OVER?!" Because this just intensifies the suffering.

I am writing about all of this because I KNOW that I am not the only one going through this. But so often it FEELs as though we are alone in this process, because it IS true that each individual must go through this passage alone. It is unique to each Soul on the Journey.

All I can say is- CALL to your Guides, call to your Ascended Masters, to your Angels- to the Legions of Light that are with you, assisting you, lighting each step of this passage for you. I DO.
Even if you don't know the Soul Group of each of your Guides, or what Archangelic Realm they are trained with- or even if you don't know which ones of the Ascended Masters are assigned to you- CALL for them ANYway. They will be there, your calls for assistance will be Heard and Answered as you navigate these turbulent waters of Change. It may not always feel like the prayers for help are being answered-

BUT this is where YOUR work comes in. It is a leap of Faith in the Dark to-- Surrender. To BELIEVE that they are there. It is in my Darkest hours when I have doubted at all that anything other than what I can see does Exist- that I have TRULY OPENED my Heart, Felt the Love of the Universal ONE flow through Me, felt the Tears fall Hot down my cheeks (often into my ear canal, as I am often laying down in my bed trying to sleep) and I truly SURRENDER.

"I surrender my worries to You, My Divine Archangels, I surrender my worries to you Mother/Father God. I Give my fears, I give my worries to you My Guides. I KNOW I am unqualified to deal with this... I open my Heart, I open my Life to your Guidance..."

And somehow, the bill money shows up, or the other solution comes to Light- not always in that very moment of surrender- maybe some days later- as I hold my Faith steady that ALL is how it is meant to be- that the Universe KNOWS my Dreams and Desires...

It is SO challenging. BUT, Here we are...

I Believe that we are truly moving into Days of Beauty- all around us- Above Us, Below Us, Around Us- and WITHIN.

In Divine Love, Divine Light and Divine Truth-
Wishing Blessings to All my Sisters and Brothers of Light...

Ursula Carrie