04 June 2017

This Is where my I Am practice began. I Am Thankful, and Full 💓

2013. I am receiving an arsenal of intuitive (channelings, dreams, signs, etc.) and physical tools (books, video links, online webinars, etc.), through various sources and synchronicities, that all illuminate the discipline of manifestation, self-mastery, self-discipline and surrender. I am devouring them all. It is a good thing. I will need these skills soon. We did not know it, yet. This too is a good thing, like this video.
A seemingly simple hour talk. It is not.
In this 2013 talk at the Wanderlust Speakeasy, I first learned of the I Am Discourses. Impassioned, I found a free Pdf online http://www.bahaistudies.net/asma/iam.pdf,
and began the journey of developing an I Am practice. As I have grown and evolved, and my goals and needs do change, so does my practice.
[2017 side note: I have returned to this video many times since, most recently on this past Saturday when I came home from the work day. I live on (thankfully) the outskirt of a very tiny, but very congested in the tourist season, town. And after waiting forever to be able to pull out of the parking lot, etc, etc., blah, blah, blah,  by the time I got into the apartment to lie down on the floor and decompress, I could "hear" Wayne Dyer's voice. He wasn't saying anything in particular, it was just the tone of his speaking voice that rose up from my memories. It made me feel soothed. Then, I had an image float into my mind of the beautiful billowing white cloth and the stage. "Go-To", here I come! Not only was I soothed and again inspired by this talk, but I got uplifted back into that place of Knowing What Is. I had to share it with you.]
       Earlier that year, I stumbled upon The Master Key System, by Charles F. Haanel (pub. 1916). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_Key_System  Now, at this sitting, if I could tell you where or how I did (as in what teacher, talk, random synchronicity or seminar), I would.  If I remember, I'll let you know 😉  However, I know that I had a copy from the library, and, after a few pages, I knew that I had to be underlining as I read. I wrote "Feb. 6, 2013" up in the corner of the page facing the cover, which would be the day that I picked up the order at the bookstore.
       These texts were different for me than what I had been learning through the Abraham material, which spoke more to me of sifting through the earth-plane- navigating-tool of Emotion. The only way I can describe it is 'the square root' of programming, of retraining the subconscious mind. I Am is self-hypnosis to the Nth degree. It is a prayer, a meditation, a self-actualizing practice. What a beautiful, life saving gift to be given, to Remember the I Am.
       Just looking back at this moment of writing and remembering all of this, I am amazed at all that has happened since only four years ago. It feels like a lifetime has passed, but not enough time to make me forget- yet. I Am so Thankful for this teaching, to all who presented, produced, and the beautiful vibration  of the crowd. I am so appreciative of the way that Wayne Dyer so profusely shared resources and personal experiences that related to the teachings he talked about as he lived them.
And Bless all of you who feel
** Inspired ** by it also
to begin your own *I Am practice*.
And thank you for reading this.
Ursula Carrie

01 June 2017

L.O.A. Family

Just a quickie. Here's how it sounds when you've unschooled your kid and raised him with a soundtrack of Abraham-Hicks, the Akashic Records, Wayne Dyer, etc...
       ME, This morning, just now:
I'm feeling overwhelmed, again, by all of the priorities that are fighting for my attention. I am starting to get swirled up in the stormy part of this tornado and I am not liking it. I am starting to feel irritated, and the cat bitching for more food, even though he was just fed 30 minutes ago, is not lifting my mood. Add to this that Menopause has brought me a new delight: I am bleeding again, a full period to boot, even though I just finished a cycle 2 weeks ago. I'm exhausted. I can't even seem to find my heart to let it direct me. I got up too early and had a short fruitless effort to get back to sleep.
I'm about to trip-out. Then come the thoughts about going to the j.o.b. tomorrow. Now, I'm really stressed out. Now I really feel like time is running out.

       Enter into the kitchen, "the Teenager", with a one-liner:
"Stop focusing on, like, the two things that aren't good- everything else is awesome."

Then, he gave me a hug and a peck on my forehead.
WOW! This kid! I really got a good one!
It's SO true, I was getting caught up and misdirecting
the power of my attention.
'Focus' immediately redirected.