You've probably been hearing about it, all over- about the intense, angry, transformative energies permeating the mass consciousness of Earth this summer. All summer! Every type of astrologer and reader of many sorts have been writing about this since Mars was setting up to go retrograde, back in May. Well, the Mars retrograde period from whose shadow we are just now emerging, the 2 solar eclipses (July 11th and August 11th) and the powerful lunar eclipse (July 27th), now at this writing, the Pisces Full Moon... Oh, did it feel like trying to swim through sticky gooey syrup, this syrup being all of the restrictive energies, astrologically speaking.
I've said before that I am no astrologer. I've never even had a paid astrology reading that felt worth the money, since I didn't understand a damn thing even after 2 hours of the reader explaining away aspects and squares and trines, etc... BUT, I do tune into some You Tube astrologers with whom I find resonance. What these certain spiritually attuned astrologers have to offer on the macro to the microcosm of world and personal events, from their perspective- makes a lot of sense to me, because I feel and can validate the effects in my own world. After all, we do dwell in an energetic universe, energy that we all can feel even if no words or definition are ascribed to the feeling.
So, that said, I like many of you have been "going through it" this summer. Energy upgrades, downloads of information (from the I AM, one's Angels, Guides, even from the Divine Intelligences of the Earth). Ascension to Higher Consciousness, Integrating higher energies, and for many of my clients- releasing negative entities, while enhoused in a (largely) 3rd Dimensional physical format is physically exhausting.
Fortunately, by doing the process for myself that I do for my clients- checking my Soul Record (!) - I was able to get to the bottom of my own personal Retrograde/Eclipse season fatigue and my temporary inability to feel the Presence of My Team (Guides, Angels, Archangel Masters, Ascended Masters).
May the Autumn serve up Sweet, Cool and Refreshing,
Succulent Fruits from the Fires of Summer's Transformation.
Ursula Carrie