20 June 2019

Soul Realignment™ with Ursula Carrie: Let's Begin the Client Session, Soul Shifting

💞 Hi Everyone 💞
Thank you so much for Being Here.
In May, I received an onslaught of 
Soul Realignment™ clients, 
so I've joyously been back at it!
I felt like it's time I share with you folks 
some more about The Work, 
and how I work.
Here is some edited video of the beginning 
of a recent client session. 
The client's session is where I report all of the 
Blocks and Restrictions that were cleared 
through my work in their Akashic Record, 
as well as the Soul Profile of the client.
Generally, a session is 2 hours, 
depending on how much there is to cover.
In this clip, I describe a little bit about 
what "Soul-Shifting" is, 
before we launch into what was this client's 
particular soul situation...