"The Golden Web- Part One."
Ursula Carrie explains: What is the Golden Web? The Earth Ascension Experiment. Golden Web issues- Chakra Tears, Scars. Tar. Red Fibers. Viruses. Negative Entity Attachment and Possession.
[ Excerpted from "Introduction to the Reading/Clearing with Rev. Ursula Carrie. Part One." Full Video (23:29 min.) https://youtu.be/ciKLneMCiuQ ]
I offer a form of *Modern-Exorcism* that is Safe, Effective, Joyful and Uplifting: the practice of Soul Realignment™ grounded in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing ~ Welcome, Galactic Human
For more information about my 10½ Years of Clearing Blocks and Restrictions from the Akashic Records of Clients- Please Visit: https://ursulacarrie.blogspot.com/p/a...
Thank You for Being Here.
Ursula Carrie
Order of Melchizedek
Wise Woman Tradition of Healing
Soul Realignment™
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/earth_spiri...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Earth-Spirit...
"CURSE ENERGY: How it Works (is probably not what you think)"
Article by Rev. Ursula Carrie https://ursulacarrie.blogspot.com/p/c...
"NEGATIVE ENTITIES: A Primer" Article by Rev. Ursula Carrie https://ursulacarrie.blogspot.com/201...
*earth~spirit medicine* is:
-Soul-level HEALING & Property Clearings through the Akashic Records.
-Earthly Exorcisms of Demons and Darkness via the Higher Dimensions.
-Experienced. Clarity. Precision.
-Practice Grounded in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing.