Yesterday. April 19th 2022. 2 Years.
It was a Sunday. I set the clock to wake me up at 8:30 that morning. I was excited the night before. I planned to go Plant Prayer Number 7. When the phone went off to wake me up, I couldn't move. My tongue, my throat and upper chest were burning- as if someone had lit a gas fire in my body.
I was a woman that had never been sick. I'd never had a head cold that lasted for more than 24 hours in well over a decade. I've never had the flu. ‘Never had a flu shot.
I had even been wearing out in public, since March, the N95 mask that I had (fortunately) stashed in my toolbox, given to me by my employer for a deep dusting task (I was a housekeeper to a 79 year old woman) and never used. I'd already lost my work in the middle of March 2020, due to the pandemic, and I’d taken my car off the road to save the little bit that I had in my savings account. So, I hadn't been going very much of anywhere and when I did I wore that mask. I'd only had contact with one person where I wasn't wearing the mask- and that contact was two weeks to the day before the symptoms started to come on.
I had been well aware of what was going on- since January 2020 when the first news report came out from Washington State. I had been sanitizing my hands and my groceries LONG before anyone in my community even acknowledged the presence of COVID. I swore that this would never happen to me- I had been so careful, and I was SO healthy, invincible.
When I woke up with my tongue my throat and upper chest burning, I knew immediately what was happening but I was in denial. It took me the entire morning into the early part of the afternoon to pull myself together enough- the fever already beginning to rage- to go out to the spot where I planned to Plant Prayer Number 7.
And I went about my work all the way until I got home, made a thank you video for the subscribers and then collapsed into bed- the fever starting to take over my body...
Thank You for Reading and Thank You for Being Here.
Ursula Carrie
This post was dictated by Ursula Carrie via the TypeAssistant app and edited in Microsoft Word on April 20, 2022.