09 April 2023

"My Star System Is All In, Around and Throughout Me" [ HD VIDEO and mini-BLOG by Ursula Carrie ]

 April 9, 2023 

I've been Incarnating here to the Earth since My first Lifetime at Lemuria. 

I'd Witnessed the Seeding of newly-birthed Souls, when it was Time to Begin the Experiment of the Evolution of- and Embodied Ascension of- a Species (humans). 

It's a long story, why I VOLUNTEERED to come here, to begin these Incarnational cycles on Earth... 

But, through Every Single Lifetime BETA CENTAURI is Always ALL IN, AROUND and THROUGHOUT ME.

*CREATION PROCESS: March 22/24 to April 7, 2023. 

✨The photos are of ME, a CUT OUT of a Selfie that I took in the dressing room, while waiting for my Mammogram in mid-March. 

✨Then, I edited it with an overlay of the BETA CENTAURI/Alpha Centauri STAR SYSTEM - first filling up my body, then as the background replacement. 

✨Then I edited with several different stages of the "clone" feature- then I created 2 videos from the photos: 1) with the "descending" images -&- 2) with the "ascending" images. 

✨Then, I changed the speeds of each of those videos to flow them. The "descending" video at the beginning, the "ascending" one at the end. 

✨In between, I placed a still of the edited image - with the "past # 2" effect, for "movement" . Star effects added. 

🎶The music I took from my Joni Mitchell CD. I extracted the parts of the song - that I had on my mind ✨ which was the whole INSPIRATION actually for starting this project ✨ edited the song as a video on my YouCut app, saved the video. 

Then, I *extracted* the music from that video - to apply it to the finished product. 

Music: WOODSTOCK, by Joni Mitchell, edited and remixed by Ursula Carrie.

(Obviously) I do not own the rights to this music. Only love for the artist since I was a teenager, and the fact that this song Inspired me to Create this video.