27 January 2008


" We just want to share with the world,
especially those who don't know Ursula,
that this new website was genuinely created from the heart,
which is how she does all things in life,
with love and true caring......
..if you don't believe us,
just try the apple butter!!!!! "

- Liza & Joe.......Getaway-on-the-Falls......Woodstock

24 January 2008


full moon rise in the eastern skies

16 January 2008

Dear Winter: a prayer poem

Thank you,
Thank you for the Solitude.
For the Time within to Reflect
and to Review Life's Lessons.
Life is stirring within the Earth,
and deep within me,
the Dreams
of Longest Winter's Sleep
are beginning to stir.
Slowly, moving motionless toward Intent-
Now I sit in the Fullness
of this Empty-Urgent space,
gathering Courage to leap
saber-toothed into the Unknown,
to manfest this Dream,
to be In and Of,
and yet not of
this World.

Walking In Beauty,
In Love
and Gratitude.

14 January 2008

Church of the Sacred Earth-Meetings

1) Eight Meetings per year to celebrate/mark the turning of the seasons multi-cultural, simple ceremonies to foster a spiritual relationship/understanding of Earth,
her cycles and all life therein
Cross Quarter days
(general ceremonies to honor and celebrate the Earth's changes) on, or about-

March 21 - mid spring
June 21 - mid summer
September 21- mid autumn
December 21 - mid winter

Other meeting days
(for deepening awareness and further Earth-Spirit connection) on, or about-
February 1 - spring (seeds)
May 1 - summer (flowers)
August 1 - autumn (fruits)
October 31/ November 1 - winter (decay)

2) Monthly, New Moon, Community Potluck Meetings
We meet as a community on the lunar cycle of renewal (new moon) to create and
share nourishment in the forms of:

A) compassionate listening (Talking Stick ceremony- with moderator-
everyone is heard, no interruptions-
certain themes may be introduced at the beginning of the circle)
B) ( preparing and then) sharing food and drink
C) making music and merryment together and
D) cleaning up together (shared responsibility)


For Schedule of events
and more information about simple
seasonal ceremonies,

moonthly potlucks and

other opportunities for co-creation,
please contact Ursula at sacred_earth@yahoo.com

Church of the Sacred Earth-Woodstock, NY: Letter

The first record I have of the concept of this church is

in one of my journals from the year 2000.

It is time...

Here is an edited version of correspondence I circulated

in my community a couple of years ago:


"August 30, 2006 and October 21, 2006

My Dear Family/Community,
It is apparent on many levels that we, as a human community, and that of all plant and animal life, are in danger due to the mass global destruction of habitat and overuse of natural resources. With the loss of the health of this planet, we are seeing the deterioration of human health and the many seen and unseen flora and fauna that together make up a complex system of life sustaining environment To say that we are but a strand in a great web of life here is a statement whose truth is much deeper than the cliche it seems to have become. We are moving away from a time on Earth where the acquisition of material wealth and individual gain as a standard of one's success in this life no longer serve the continuation of life on this planet. Recycling our cans and bottles is not enough. Our food come to our grocery stores from all over the world. People have evolved into believing that health and happiness can be found in a pill. We have absolved ourselves from all responsibility of what we create. Too many have fallen out of touch with what our indigenous forebears knew- where their water came from, what foods grew in their region (most often because they had to grow it themselves or traded what they had with a neighbor), what plants gave healing medicines, and how to care for and interact with animal life. In other words, our ancestors knew Gratitude.
Church of the Sacred Earth is a Calling: to Community, to a practice of Gratitude, to Education, Action, to Acknowledging that this Earth is infused with Divine Life and to Commitment to give our energy back to the land that sustains us- on a community level with a global perspective, knowing full well that this entire planet vibrates holographically.
I awoke with a start at 2am on the 2nd of September 2006 with these words echoing through from the Dreamtime:
"We are leading a new way for the humans in our community..."
With Love and deep commitment to the miracle of this Life, I invite you to join with me in this sacred journey..

Greenest and Highest Blessings,
Rev. Ursula Carrie
Woodstock, New York"
"Deep partnership is the essence of evolutionary impeccability. Surely the day of the lone wolf is over and, in our "grow or die" world, we will prevail and prosper only if we develop mastery in the areas of co-creation and interdependency. The level of partnership being called for creates dynamic synergy for stepping into our full nature."
- Jean Houston, Ph. D.

13 January 2008

Winter 2008 Jams-Jellies-Preserves - REVISED!

The following jams-jellies-preserves are currently available...

8 oz jars: special $5 ea

  • Elderberry jelly
  • Dandelion Flower jelly (w/ organic lemon juice)
  • Red Clover Blossom tea and Mint jelly
  • Apple Butter* (a favorite! you'll never be able to get it from the store again :)

Currently, I also have some limited stock of

8 oz Jars: special $5 ea.

  • Love Apple Jelly (tomato with hot pepper and hint of basil- delicious, different)
  • Cherry Preserves
  • Strawberry-Rhubarb Preserves


stop by Elijah's Cafe at

54 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY

phone- 845-679-9524

Coming soon... Herbal Infused Vinegars....

Ursula Carrie's Kitchen

My jams, jellies and preserves are becoming legendary in my small circle of friends and family. It has always been a deep pleasure to feed folks good, rib sticking, home cooked food. Creating these "products" is a passion that materialized from within my very cells. An ancestral calling, if you will. I spend all spring, summer and fall, sometimes even into the early winter, hand harvesting wild flowers and berries, as well as purchasing locally grown produce, organic and/or direct from the farmer when available, and then chopping, sugaring, cooking, stirring and canning. Every week during the growing season has its project, and it changes with the season. I make everything in small batches, ensuring attention to the details, from the harvest to the application of a simple jar label.
You are sure to feel the love and magic in every mouthful.


Thank you for your visit! While I am coordinating the efforts to establish a "regular" website, I invite you to review this blog on which I will post information about the products and services I have to offer you all.