12 July 2010

February 23, 1989 Letter to the Editor of the Woodstock Times


To the Editors:

I am a Rotary exchange student, living for one year in the south of Brazil. In being here in what is called a Third World country, my eyes have been opened to a problem of this country that will affect the entire world- air pollution. In speaking with my peers, more importantly my seniors, I have become aware of a very potent problem in the northern area of Brazil- the Amazon forests. The lush, tropical Amazons are world famous, and they are also a rich source of natural resources for American companies as well as those of Brazil. Portions of the forest the size of West Germany are being killed each year, and new ones are not being planted. That leaves the region of the north dry and almost without the hope of rain year 'round. Tropical rain forests are one of the earth's largest suppliers of oxygen. With the death of so many thousands of unreplaced trees, compiled with the known problem in the ozone layer, our air and consequently our lives are in danger for the future.

It is so important for the public (old and especially young, for they are the world's future) to be educated about the "smaller" things going on in the world. We have some wonderful groups in our area to "Think Globally, Act Locally" in the cause of this situation. Man can create, but man can destroy in a second. Let's get together and be informed- take some action. The future of man and the creatures of the earth depend upon the now.

Ursula Wilkerson, 16
(Catskill-Woodstock, NY)
Parana, Brazil

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