I am SO Grateful- to My Ascended Masters, My Akashic Records Guides, My Divine I AM Presence, and My Team of Guides- and also to my Son, my Cats, and to all else that asks for and requires My Attention- for Allowing Me to do this Sacred Work. Thank You, Mother-Father God- It just feels SO GOOD to experience the Accuracy of what I come through with- and to get such Amazing and Enthusiastic Feedback- unsolicited, from a Sister, on the Path... of Ascension.... I am so grateful that she has allowed me to have permission to share her most heart felt words/expression with You :)
Thank You for Being Here. Thank You for Reading. Bless You ALL... THIS is what I call "The Good Stuff"... So appreciating the Magic of it All...
Rev. Ursula Carrie
letters from Debbie Brousseau, Lightworker
please Note: I have never met this woman face to face.
I still have no idea what she looks like.
Nor have I ever spoken with her, except for
1) time that she called to give me her birth info so I could look up her Akashic Record and start her reading and
2) the time when we spoke on the phone and I gave her the Reading
1st LETTER, July 30, 2015
" Hello Ursula,
Thank you so much for your time, energy, compassion, blessings and help on my path. I have printed out the homework and will be beyond happy to do it for the next 21 days.
My journey has been challenging yet finding people like you to assist me in my growth makes the challenges worthwhile, for it is the challenges that make me seek and find points of Light like you. The Akashic Records have been a dream of mine spanning 40+ years and I am blessed to have finally been given the gift of your assistance, friendship and love. It is not something I take lightly. I appreciate all that the Universe has given and blessed me with, including the hardships for they have provided me with the most growth.
There are not words enough to express my gratitude. Continue your work, everything was so bang on, I can validate all that you gave me. Souls like you will help humanity move forward, no small feat.
Hugs, love, blessings, gratitude, light and appreciation from the seat of my soul.
xox "
2nd Letter August 3, 2015
" Hi Ursula,
As you can see I received the MP3 and have downloaded it without any problems. Thank you so much for the reading and the MP3. I have not listened to it yet and will replay it sometime in the near future. For now I'm just trying to keep up with the volume of "coincidences" coming at me from every direction!!!
So many things are making sense and falling into place. I'm relating some of the information you gave me (just the little I can remember - because there was so much!) to experiences I've had and seeing a connection and as a result, a deeper understanding of some things I've encountered in my life. Sirius and Egypt are very well connected and I've been studying Sirius since our talk last Thursday. As a result I'm understanding my experiences in Egypt on a much deeper level.
I've suffered from the "Doubting Thomas" syndrome most of my life, doubting my own abilities, or trusting the information that has come from people such as yourself. However, since our talk, the "coincidences" that are stacking up daily, and in such huge numbers, make it impossible to deny, doubt or question the absolute validity of your reading. If there was one thing I wanted to accomplish with this it was to address my issues of self-doubt, which I STRONGLY DOUBTED would be accomplished. I can't believe my doubts are evaporating and so quickly and thoroughly.
I'm happy to do my homework and find it at times a very moving experience. I sometimes get images of people from my life when I speak certain passages and know that the person and the passage are related. It's bringing me a deeper understanding of people, situations and myself. Although acceptance has been there of people and situations, the acceptance is becoming very concrete, stronger.
I almost can't keep up with all the AHA moments that are filling my days. I cannot imagine what life is going to be like after my 21 days of homework - I have a feeling it's going to be stellar and bright, like that of Sirius.
WOW!!! It seems that what I have been searching for all my life has been found. I'm just in awe and so happy with what is unfolding and how all the pieces of my puzzling life are just fitting together in such a profound and enlightening way.
Ursula, I cannot thank you enough for this gift, for the first time in 63 years I don't feel like I'm searching for something elusive that I will never find. I feel I not only hold the answers (which I've always known) but now feel I can access them (which after so many years of trying, I believed answers and information would remain elusive). I now have the key to unlock the doors, I am the key and am learning how to use it.
My gratitude is beyond measure. You have taught the Doubting Debbie to doubt no more. HUGE!! AMAZING!! You must know that you are a very bright Light and source of profound Love.
I'll keep you posted on my progress!
May your path be as smooth as you are making it for others,
xox "