08 August 2015

Some Really AMAZING and Eloquent Response from a Recent SR Client

I have been in limbo for some few years, now, about my work for people in the Akashic Records. This is due, largely, to the experiences that I had as a Healer in my Lifetime before this one (in the early 1800's near New Orleans, LA). This Woman found me recently, through a woman who has been my bestest-best girlfriend, since we were both 6 years old! It was that kind of connection. Usually, with my clients in the past with this work, I haven't really heard much of anything from them about their reading and clearing, unless (because Me Being Me) I have written to them and asked, "So, how are you doing?" BUT, this recent client- her outpouring of response took me by such surprise.... ! I didn't even feel sure that I should ask her if I could reprint for You, the Reader, what she wrote to Me... but I did... and her response was (basically) a Hell, Yeah!

I am SO Grateful- to My Ascended Masters, My Akashic Records Guides, My Divine I AM Presence, and My Team of Guides- and also to my Son, my Cats, and to all else that asks for and requires My Attention- for Allowing Me to do this Sacred Work. Thank You, Mother-Father God- It just feels SO GOOD to experience the Accuracy of what I come through with- and to get such Amazing and Enthusiastic Feedback- unsolicited, from a Sister, on the Path... of Ascension.... I am so grateful that she has allowed me to have permission to share her most heart felt words/expression with You :)

Thank You for Being Here. Thank You for Reading. Bless You ALL... THIS is what I call "The Good Stuff"... So appreciating the Magic of it All...
Rev. Ursula Carrie

letters from Debbie Brousseau, Lightworker
please Note: I have never met this woman face to face.
I still have no idea what she looks like. 
Nor have I ever spoken with her, except for 
1) time that she called to give me her birth info so I could look up her Akashic Record and start her reading and
2) the time when we spoke on the phone and I gave her the Reading 

1st LETTER, July 30, 2015

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