17 October 2017

The Angel rides the 7's (from, "earth~spirit")

Recorded, October 14, 2014. From my journal entry of: July 18, 2010. (my Soul Realignment had been done just in May of that year)  I called this the: 

 7’s Story
Last Wednesday morning (July 14, 2010) I went out to the store to buy my makeup- and the total came to 7.72 (my birth year and month). Then I went to the bank to deposit the refund check from Omega for the workshop that I’d cancelled for my birthday weekend- And as I was signing it, I noticed that the number on the check was 72717 (my birth year, month, and day 72.7.17)


So, after I saw that check number at the bank I squealed, “Ooooh! I’m ridin’ the sevens!”

And I went to go buy a “Lucky 7’s” scratch-off at Stewart’s, ‘cause the Lucky 7’s from Stewart’s, specifically, seem to be luckier than the other stores. But they didn’t have any.

So, I drove down the highway towards home and pulled into the next station. I dug around in my (grey flannel) purse and found the heavy black leather wallet with the chain and pulled out three wrinkly singles and got out of my van- still skipping and giggling towards the front door.

After the man in front of me stepped aside, I stepped up and asked the woman at the counter if they had any Lucky 7’s. I handed her one of the dollars and took my ticket outside. It was a bust. I felt like spending the other two and went back inside the cool air to ask for two more.

This time I climbed up into the driver’s seat of my van. I took a deep breath and scratched the silver film off the last two tickets. No go. My heart started to sink…

I put on my seat belt, started her up and backed out of my parking spot on the side of the busy station.

I noticed, to my left as I began to go forward, a man helping a tall young girl put her bicycle into the back of a shiny white pick up truck. (He seemed to notice me as I went by. His head followed the driver’s side window as I drove past.) He was a man of average height, with sandy blond feathery hair, Shaun Cassidy style- and he had on a clean white cotton t-shirt and white painter’s pants. His face was beaming with kindness and he smiled at me as I drove past him- I smiled back.

Good luck on the next part of your journey!” he called to me as I turned my head to look at the road.

I called back, still giggling, “Thank you!”

Then, it hit me, a wave of energy, rushing through my solar plexus. My back straightened. I slowed down and looked in my side mirror back at him. He was still watching the van- he was beaming, I felt, and orb of light around him, and floods of unconditional love seemed to be streaming from his face- smiling ear to ear at me as I left the parking lot.

“An Angel…!” I gasped. I sat for a moment at the red light, inspired and in awe.

The light changed and I turned to head for home. There was still much to do to get ready to go away for the night.

(Note October 16, 2017- Through the use of significant, repeating numbers, do you see how I was being primed for the message that was going to be given to me? Through this use of numbers, the Angels woke my consciousness up, so I would be in a higher vibrational state, so that I would recognize Archangel Gabriel. That was the name that had seeped into my mind as I sat at the red light...)

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