05 November 2017

full moon speaking from my heart [vlog] Nov.4.2017

Well, I came home from all this, and I was reading posts on Facebook. I saw that a friend had just posted some hours before (maybe while I was even making my vlog!) very similarly about challenging, uncertain energies in the air. So, I thought, "Hmmm..." You know? It is in the mass consciousness- oh, yes, tune into the post on Nov. 7th (Tuesday) for some more of this.       
       I had stopped tuning in to my favorite You Tube astrologers' channels last month. Everything just started to sound so bleak, like so much restriction, upheaval, Pluto crap. "I'll chart my own course, f^c* the stars!" [sigh.] Maybe I'll check out the forecast for the full moon and find out what happened there...
       If you read this/watched or are watching the vlog- Thank You. If you have similar, or even other myriad "stuff" that we humans can have- Take Heart, have some deep grieving sighs, borrow a dog (if that what it takes, like for me, lately) and get out there. Nature re-effuses one's meditative prowess. It has clearing properties, simply by walking through any area that is cleared of man-created material. Isn't that a nice feature of the hologram?
       Anyway, may you have the day of your choosing.

(just like this video! LOL!)

Ursula Carrie

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