29 April 2018

Fresh From a Sunday Spin with the Son

I got to say, even with all I know and understand about this physical life, that it is always fluid and changing and that I am happiest and at my best when I am open to and going with that flow- I'm still a bit human in the way that I look for comfort in "sameness". What I mean is- wanting something that is really really good... to stay that way. Last year, I was financially able to get my son and I on a bunch of big 'break-outs'. Lots of travel was in our cards for 2017. I wanted to build on that and really start exploring this year. That was not to be the case, evidently. Then comes the self-discipline, once again, of Surrender. One of the many important tools in my Evolution Toolbox. So, since I had committed to getting into and being at Home in my body, to give a detailed focus to how this body is changing and coping with mitigating factors such as hormone changes and menopause and the various systems affected by this change- I started here. My son is also emerging from his world of technology and has opened up, all on his own, to things that I was trying to encourage him towards, years ago, but it just wasn't his 'time', then. Like Fishing!

       We have just returned from an almost 50 mile round trip, from our apartment in the woods, all around the NYC DEP watershed fishing lands and some of our closer NYS general public fishing areas. I had to force my teenage son up at 1 o'clock, which he was pretty pissed about. And I was annoyed that he had the nerve to be annoyed when I was putting my back out to support his newfound interest.
       But, people, once we got out of here, into the car and started the journey, guess what... FUN was being had. If I stopped, or went too slow in a parking lot, he's exclaim, "Come on, come on! I'm into this, now! Let's go!" And I say, "Do you have a problem with me slowing down to indulge my curiosity about something?" Answer. "No." And there was lots of laughter. That fifty mile round trip, barely a crawl away from our apartment, made me feel some Freedom. It felt like we were on the road again, like last year, but different, but still feeling that lift under my wings. I'm adjusting. I'll take it. 
       Whenever we feel stuck, like the wheels have been spinning for so long, it feels like we're just burying ourselves deeper in the mud... That's when we have to grab the shift and just- punch it! Sometimes it takes some effort to find any little thing to focus on to help lift the mood into that place where we all know Manifestation occurs- JOY.
       I'm going to ride this tiny wave. Maybe I'm even able to see the next swell coming. I look forward to that.
Ursula Carrie

24 April 2018

The Big Rub

Last week was very strange and intense in the way lessons were being brought into my consciousness. I experienced a series of interactions in which, first I was getting "rubbed the wrong way", then I inadvertently turned around the next day and rubbed someone else the wrong way. Mis-communication can quite an upsetting experience, as I'm sure many of you know. There's a lot of elements to sort out, keeping in the awareness that everything is here to assist in our constant growth and self-realization. 
My take-away from all that is: sometimes we create some intense experiences where the "perpetrator" is actually a divine instrument of Instigation that causes us to see more clearly the places in ourselves and/or in the broad sweep of our Life some Truths about ourselves that otherwise may not have been exposed to the light. A good wounding, if it's sharp and fast, can really open one up. ALL of the perps of last week, myself included, had the best of intentions. I'm pretty sure of that. Sometimes we don't realize that we've been handed a script and we're just playing off the page.
       For me, because my personal boundaries had, throughout my life, been a bit too mercurial, too mutable, I had always found it difficult to truly stand firm for myself. Not only is that my training with the Archangel Auriel, being Hadarian, and the earthly influences of my astrology, add to this my upbringing as an Earth Female, I tended to be very accommodating, bending and shaping myself into the forms that were pleasing to others. I just wanted approval. In other words, I constantly sacrificed or deeply buried the expression of my real truth, my authentic self, so that I could harmonize with that which others believed of me, wanted from me or expected from me. I can say, by the time mid-life comes around, if you're female and menopause starts kicking your shit into gear- the dawning comes that: "Screw this!" And any little hampering or slight boundary crossing, feels monumental. Sometimes, now I feel like I'm fighting for That Woman before she fades away and Death starts to consume the remains from the inside out. I'm saying this out loud because I know I'm not the only Woman who faces this issue, especially now as the Feminine Divine is calling for all female born to connect with Her Power and Rise.  
       But this heavy contrast is necessary to continue to clarify the broth. Like, "Who Am I Really", when all of the "expectations of others" is gone, when everything that I used to love to do has left my realm of desire, when I am alone with my Higher Self. It's a question I believe that every Seeker asks of the Self at many crossroads of the physical life journey, as one grows from one form into another. Then, when the answer comes, the question becomes, "Do I have the Courage to allow that person to Be?"

16 April 2018

Fire It Up! Bring It On! How Many Souls Can Be Freed this year?

Ok, so here's the thing, people. Most people that really need this service of exorcism/Soul Realignment- don't have any money. Like how I was when I got to my last straw and I finally got lead to Nancy, the woman who took care of first my 8 year old son, then took care of me. She gave me a break! She lowered her price. Maybe because she was good friends with someone that I worked with at the time. Or, maybe she was just dedicated to the work! I mean, Hello!
       Why am I so fired up? Exactly. I just ran into someone today, who said, "I was wondering when I might run into you." For me, let's just say that what ensued was an unpleasant interaction for me. I realized that the person that I knew 20 years ago, who felt to me to be so harsh, critical, cold and judgmental... is exactly that same energy, post Soul Realignment, which I performed for this person over one year ago. First encounter since the consultation. Wow. I have decided to keep my woes to myself. When, "How are you doing?" is the question, the answer, as it always was, shall forevermore be, "Awesome! How're you?" Then. I'll just listen to whatever troubles they feel like they need to lay at my doorstep. I have always have a "broom" to lend someone and a technique to share to sweep that stuff away. Fuck.
       But what it fired me up with is an refilled Reservoir of Determination to help relieve the intense suffering that I encounter all the time in people/souls, things that can not be localized/identified by 3rd dimensional human techniques, like psychology and other "transformative" therapies.* And, honestly people, when we're trading water at that level of survival, and our soul is crying out for release and Ascension, 'green paper' should not be restricting the relief of the soul suffering. As she promptly told me that taking care of a soul's realignment for no 'money' is a 'bad idea'. Well, if there's something that I absolutely know that I can do to help, why wouldn't I? How could I live with myself? That's crazy to me. Mean. Unnecessary. 
*[Don't even get me going on how silly and futile "burning sage" is anymore, or candles. All "spells" and things as such create restrictions on the Soul Record. That's also another subject, though. I am a very firm advocate of the development of and regular practice of the "I AM".]
...like here at my current little cleaning gig,
 ironing sheets!
It's definitely a new experience for me,
being that I always hated cleaning, period!
And ironing!
 Like I often say, it's all just an
       So, I work my little cleaning or 'whatever' job (it really doesn't matter, I've found out) to pay the electric and all that. Then, in my other moments, I care for my Vessel, work with my son/helping him with his Purpose and Path and Free Souls. That's what it's about right now.  The Work. In everything else, I accept, everything is always in perfect divine timing and order. 
   I Declare: May I Be of Service to My Fellow Sisters and brothers of the Light. Call upon Me. I Give to Thee of My High Heart.

OH, and I do work exchange! If you have a service or things that I need, 
up to the total cost of 
my Sacred Service to you (currently $180.00).
       For example: Right now, I will be getting some rides out, since the latest client has a ride service. The next freeing of souls may lead to some of those dance lessons that I've been craving! You know? Understand? I do, now! Screw it, man! Let's go! I'm on a Mission to Free Souls- that counts and includes the negative entities and soul-shifting souls and ghosts and earthbound spirits that get moved on from the human clients that I serve- ALL of them.
       So, I am Thanking that person in the store, as they're whipping out their partner's credit card and judging me, for the ~Clarity of Mind that Can be Channeled through the Positive Attributes Anger       See? Even your Nemesis helps you to Grow! Lol.

How Many Souls Can I Free This Year? 
I don't know, but I feel Joyful, Excited and Thankful. 
Need help? I'm saying, let me know. There's a lot of what-not that I could use/need (like a Website and other things). You just never know.
We'll work it out!

10 April 2018

Thank Goodness for My Family of Light

This is just a little quickie I want to share today. I have another video/audio that's really long that I am aiming to prepare and post this month on the 13th 
       This past Saturday 4/7, I was indulging the "fact" that everything in my life seems to be at a frozen standstill right now. I swear, I can't stand these times! I know, I know. I'm in the trough. I'm waiting for the next wave to arrive. It's time to reevaluate my activities and the current trajectory of my life path. Yes, all of those comforting things that I would say to someone who is coming to me with the same woes that I have right now. Last year was such an awesome break-out kind of year for me, the absence of such titillating awesomeness is just, well- sucky! And I know that the more that I give my attention to how frustrated I am that the things that I want to happen are not happening, the more they're not happening! Lol. Basic Law of Attraction. I can manifest exactly what I want by focusing on it. 'Done it a million times already. Menopausal bee-otchy-ness just assists me in my miscreations!
       So, on Saturday, I enlisted my 16 year old son in the errand running that day. I told him- "You're big and strong, and I'm tired of the damn run-around! I need help today!" He came. Our first stop was the dump, aka "transfer station". Our local garbage company had an infamous rumor about them for a couple decades that they actually put all of the recycling in the trash. So, sometimes I like to go see the guys at our local center. Anyway, I decide to take charge of the glass, since we had a big hunking bin of glass, some of it broken. I'm still totally pissy, feeling put-upon by everything, and just crappy.
I don't even know how I was drawn to look down where I stood at the edge of the giant glass bin. What do they call it, a "roll off"? But there, I saw something buried in the dirt. I felt like picking it up. I dusted off the caked dirt and saw it was a kind of lapel pin. When I turned it over, I felt that same effervescent trickle of Love and relief just wash all over my bodies (emotional, physical, mental), and I laughed! I showed my son. He just nodded in agreement that I had just received my message...

I share this with you all with the Love that was
shared with me in that moment.
 Be back soon...