I don't know why but for some reason I am falling in love with my totems again. I was born under Bear. My name was supposed to be Jennifer. My mother had a very typical 1970s birth and was unconscious for most of it. She told me that when the nurse finally brought her to me, and she saw me for the first time, she heard a little voice whisper into her left ear, “Her name is Ursula.” Ursula is a derivative of the Latin, meaning “Bear”. (Also as in- Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper.) My Innate Being and most of the characteristics of my personality are very much in Harmony with the Medicine of Bear.
Then came Wolf in my teenage years. Then came Crow when I was in my 20’s. There are other Animal Medicines with which I resonate, however these Three- Bear, Wolf and Crow- makeup the Trinity of who I am as an Incarnated Soul in this Body, in this Earth and in this Timeline.
As my Ascension got jump-started in 2010 with my own Soul Realignment, I began to slowly leave and drift away from the different Earthly spiritual practices in which I had been engaged for my entire life up until then, and I started to Know and Recognize Myself as a Multi-Dimensional Galactic Being.
But, for some reason, just lately (just this month, just these past several weeks) I have found myself being Revisited by my Three Totems. This, of course, has occurred in many different ways that they are bringing their Medicine, and their Presence, back into my Consciousness, back into my Heart. Even though I have Always been a marriage and an amalgamation of Earth and Spirit, which met in my Heart, to be manifested out into the world of this third dimension, it feels like Now coming up on that time where I will celebrate my Half-Century of walking in this body on this Earth, I am being Called, I'm being enticed, to truly Embody that which was said to me back in 2008: “Earth Spirit Medicine: Marrying Earth and Spirit in the Human Heart”. It feels like, for the first time ever in my life, these Three Totems as they are coming to me once again, are filling my Heart with an Ecstasy and a Joy that I have not before known in relation to them. And I am so thankful.
Aho! Thank You. Amen.
So, while obviously I can Never, Ever walk away from the Presence of My Self as a Galactic (Human) Being, I do feel very much called now to posting things that relate to my existence as a Medicine Woman of the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing: the grounded basis from which I work as a Healer in the Soul Realignment, in the Akashic Records.
My Bears, My Crows, My Wolves and I Thank You All for Being Here.
With Blessings Eternal and Love,
I am, and so Remain in this Lifetime-
Rev. Ursula Carrie
(And thank you to my app- “Type Assistant”- for taking down these words for editing, so I could express myself vocally and freely from my heart…)