06 October 2021

Take the Red Pill

☆I was about 36. My very young son was asleep in his bed, books all read, tucked away for the night. My neighbors were quiet, for change. I sat alone in my room. I wasn't exactly sure, I don't remember what I was doing. ☆It was one of those moments where I felt *Presence*.

☆For some reason- I don't know where the words came from, or the Intent- I blurted out: "I want to be a Self-Master." [ I didn't even know (back then) what that was.]
☆But, Immediately after I said that phrase, after I said those words, I wanted to grab every single one of them, stuff them back into my mouth and swallow!

》But the Universe had Already Heard《
There was NO going back...

☆The utterance of that declaration set into motion a chain of events that would eventually lead me, within two years, to the woman who did my Soul Realignment- and to the Moment when my Guides* (see below) told me, firmly- "TAKE THE COURSE." and I became a Soul Realignment Practitioner myself. My perception and understsnding of this 3D reality would forever be Changed, down into my cellular structures.

☆That Moment, now 13 years ago, when I said those Words- though unbeknownst to me at the time- 
* I soon later Realized * -


and the Acceleration of my Embodied Ascension began.

☆I am *still* falling down the rabbit hole- no parachute. But I don't need one-

There. Is. No. Bottom.

☆One little story of My Becoming, Shared with Love. 
May you Be Blessed, and Thank You for Being Here~
Rev. Ursula Carrie
Earth~ Spirit Medicine on Facebook

"Take the Red Pill" [slightly longer version] Video & Blog Post ©2021 by Ursula Carrie, final edit- October 3, 2021.

NOTE: ☆*I didn't even *really* know that Spirit Guides or Archangels or Ascended Masters (or Ghosts, Negative Entities, etc. etc) were Real back then, Either- YET! - even though I had been psychic- "touched" as they used to say- since I was a very little girl.

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