08 July 2015

One Year Without a Car

Short Video from one of my numerous walks to
the Bearsville Post Office and small market
(4 mi r/t from my apt)
and some Scenes Not Seen when one is zooming by...

VIDEO NOTES from my You Tube post:
One year without a car of my own.
Oy, Yoy, Yoy! I forgot to buy more cat food the last time I was in the town... So, there I went, walking the 2 miles to the nearest (over-priced) country market-
had to get some money orders for the bills while I was at it,
in the small post office next door...
Walking, for one, has brought many lessons of beauty that I would have other wise missed. And it has showed to me that I am even stronger- and more flexible, in the Divine Flow and more Connected and creative than I may have thought.
Archangel Michael told me that he would send someone that I KNEW to give me a ride.... And that is always true...
 Well, THIS time- on the way TO my destination AND on the way back, someone stopped and ASKED me if I wanted a ride! (I.E.- no having to hitch-hike, at all!)
The first one was the mother of an acquaintance- whom I had never met- although I know her son! (someone I knew)
And on the way home, the local library book barn volunteer turned around up the road and came back for me, and took me all the way to my driveway.
It's all good :)

FROM: another Note to Myself, and to anyone reading, from one of my many scraps of paper! ;)

" June 25, 2015
Some things I learned by not having a car:
1. There are a million hidden treasures in the underpass
2. Nice people always give you a lift when you surrender
      and believe and let God
3. Sometimes you're supposed to walk (see #1)
4. Grocery shop only once every two weeks- and stock up-
     then, just eat what you have
5. Stillness is a Gift- but so are clean clothes
6. All that running around really isn't necessary

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