29 September 2017

[vlog] we need to talk about the kids

Dear Beloved Soul, Galactic Human,
I felt inspired to talk about how soul realignment helped my family,
how I became a practitioner and my service to parents for their children.

27 September 2017

Missed Appointment with Death

       9/15/17 Well, I cried all day, etc... Had a headache on all sides from it... long story short, I had my son do all of the doing, so I could keep calm, i.e. not hysterical and unable to drive.
On the way, I SWEAR, in EQUIDISTANT Measure of mileage A CAR ALMOST HIT MY CAR, by swerving over the line and heading straight toward me- THREE times! And they seemed to only swerve back because I would hold on my car's horn button. And I swear that the drivers had smirks on their faces! I was SO upset, each time, I would and say, "What the FUCK was THAT!" 
       So we get into the vet office, and there's no one there but staff. I'm coming in all hoarse throat and barely speaking above a whisper. I go to check in, and the woman who was dishing attitude towards me when we went to pick the cats up on August 24th was there. She just scans me, then gets up to get the folder. She flips a paper out, in duplicate form, and points to the checked box and says in a little flippy sneer, "You just have to sign right here to say that you don't want to take any ashes home." I get this wild feeling of panic in my chest. I say, calmly but firmly, "That is not what I said that I wanted." I point to the box where it says, "Individual (tin)". "THAT is what I said." I see that she is getting incensed.
      "PfffffT." she mutters, tossing her hair aside. She takes the pen and performs rapid scribbles over the "communal" box, then marks a overly deliberate X in the "Individual (tin)". The form now looks undiscernable and confusing. Which choice was actually marked? I ask politely (remember, I'm really fucking vulnerable right now), "Could you fill out a fresh form, so there's no confusion?" I'm beseeching her. This is a bereavement situation. I've been going to this vet with my cats for years. Well, she apparently is about ready to blow.
       She goes into the back into the corner, and two vet-techs gather over to her. One of them keeps looking towards me. I hear some angry whispering. I get a horrible feeling all thoughout my chest. I walk out. I go sit in the car with my son, and Dreamy, and I'm really pissed off. "That same fuckin' woman in there! Throwin' me attitude, remember from that day that we picked the cats up?"
       "Uh, no, not really."
       I mean, you know, I'm coming into this place to GIVE DEATH to a living creature. And even without all that "mumbo-jumbo", this is a profession which requires a decent amount of sympathy and respect for the clients and their bereavement. I said, "You know, this is hard enough without some Bitch giving me attitude! What the fuck did I do to her? I don't even know her name!"
       My son turned, looked me straight in the eye and said, "You should go in there and SAY that." Now, I WAS going to just internalize the hurt and pain that I was feeling, as always, and just shrink away... Because having Dreamy's Home-Going performed there all of a sudden felt SO Wrong! I was just going to start the car and pull out. Keep it to myself. I'm good at that. But him  looking at me so pointedly, and just the simple words he chose to go with that look... It did something to me. I felt like, "Shit man! I AM!"
       And I went back in there, where one of the nice vet-techs had come out to meet me, and that woman was back at her desk. And I said, firmly, evenly and audibly, to the air, "This is hard enough without some BITCH giving me attitude. I'm going to do something else." I gave the door a good pull behind me.
       The tenor tone in my voice reverberated around the space in a ricochet, assisted by the tile floors and absence of fabric furniture. 'Cause, you know... crying, deep grief, drained for other reasons, my voice was settled in a much lower octave. Not any anger. I was just actually speaking out. I grew out of being accustomed to doing this and had seemingly traded the ability to be bold for being afraid of repercussions if I was too outspoken. Why am I always being so nice? I mean it is in my nature, but I'm really getting slaughtered lately. If my son hadn't looked at me just the way he did, and then said what he said, I would never have dreamed of doing and saying that. because, really, who acts so nasty to a client who is in a situation as I was in? Unnecessary. Compassionless.
       I wasn't going to make peace with that. Dreamy will be fine for another day or two. I'll make calls in the morning. Please, we all want Quick, but Sacred, Solemn, Respectful. Thank You.
Now what was about those three cars and drivers..... Hmmm....

PS- Saturday, September 16, 2017-
       I called the vet office that's just down the road from us. I spoke with a very compassionate woman, named Jen. I gave her a brief synopsis of the situation and the experience that inspired me to turn around and take my family back home, and she was properly horrified.       
       Because, I'm thinking to myself, as always when people are projecting all of their crap onto me and making me the blame for whatever issues they have, "Was it me?" I ask myself this, even if I have clearly done nothing wrong, or done anything at all.  This of course is another pattern that had been drummed into me when I was a little girl, that everything was my fault, including being born!
       Apparently, this is a pattern of self-regard that is surfacing to be looked at, acknowledged and dissolved, with Love unto Creator Source. I am being pushed to stand up and stand my own integrity, without fear of being punished for it. It's a biggie.
        So, Jen, thank you very much for being horrified at how I had been treated in my grief. Jen says, "It's a hard enough decision to make without the staff treating you that way. That's horrible! I'm so sorry that that happened with you."
       I said, "Well, thank you for the empathy, well sympathy and compassion. I felt so horrible. I mean, Dreamy was in the room when I gave birth to my son, ya' know? I had her mother, I was there when she was born. Eighteen years. And her son is here, too."
       "Oh my goodness! She's your baby."
So, the rough news, now is that I currently don't have the cash flow to afford this vet's charges. $156+ for the euthanasia (the other vet charges $39-) and $256+ for the individual cremation (the other vet charges $177). DAMN. More phone calls must be made, more colloidal silver administered, more prayers to be uttered. But no more subbing. The veins and the muscles in my head can't tolerate any more of that.
       So, that's that for this moment. My head still hurts from yesterday, and I need to get my self centered and clear headed, as I need to finish my psychic detective work and do the clearing prayer for my Soul Realignment client, who is also waiting on me for help.
       One more day...

25 September 2017

How I Was Led to Medium João (aka "John of God") and the Entity- part one, from "earth~spirit", 2008 transcripted writing

Recorded March 2008
(transcribed May 3, 2014 names omitted, initial only 9.17.17)

       Note: This telling of this story, at the time of this transcription, is now very “dated” for me. I have grown indescribable amounts since 2008. Especially my perspective on the events of my current lifetime have changed since my initiation into the Akashic Records. I am however transcribing this experience with Medium Joao and the Entity exactly as I recorded it in March of 2008, as the imprint and impact of the experience was still fresh in all the details. I have also added notes as thoughts come to me as I type.
       In November 2006, my friend B* C* and I had enjoyed a wonderful dinner and pleasant evening at the annual Greek Festival in Kingston, NY. My five year old son was spending the night at my mother’s house, so I had some time to loll around with B* on Tinker Street once we’d returned to Woodstock. There wasn’t much doin’, as usual, so we just sat on the porch at #34, where he rented a studio space upstairs, and watched some occasional cars pass, not saying too much.

       I saw a thought shoot into his mind and he immediately thereafter said, “Do you have (so-so many) minutes? I want to show you something.” I started to think, “Uh-oh, what is it? What could it be?”

       When we got into his studio, he started rifling through a pile of DVD’s, and he loaded one into a player and turned the volume up on the TV. He told me that it was footage, a mini-documentary, that he had shot in Brasil. It was mainly an interview with a woman at different stages of her process of healing at this place called “The Casa” and her speaking of “The Entity”. There was some footage of physical surgeries, as well. This repulsed me. The language, however, referring to “The Entity” intrigued me. But, when the short doc was over, and we left the studio, I went home and promptly forgot all about it.

       Then, in January (2007), while I was puttering around my apartment, doing my daily chores, I heard a voice, over my head, near my left ear that said, “João de Deus.” It was clear and forceful, and it shook me inside. It was soon after that objects from Brasil began appearing to me- first a kid sized soccer shirt with the map of Brasil on the front in the yellow and green colors of the Brasillian flag, and a few weeks later, a baseball cap with the Brasillian  flag on the front- when I was on one of my digs at Family of Woodstock.
       Synchronicities began to materialize as well.
One significant one was at the place of my son’s new babysitter, J*, a nineteen-year old girl I’d met while she was briefly working at the crafts shop of my workplace.

       I’d come to pick my son up at the babysitter’s, and her roommate J* was also at home that evening. J’s boyfriend was visiting that evening, and I was talking with the babysitter about the strong impressions I’d recently received that were directing me to investigate seeking out this healer/medium I’d recently heard of, called “John of God”. J’s boyfriend, who was seated at a small table in the living room, said, “Yes, my father just came back from seeing John of God this week.”  I exclaimed, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

       As it turned out, this young man said that his father was the director of Omega Institute, and had I heard of it? I said I had, but that I had never been there because I couldn’t afford any of the programs they offered there. The young man said that he hadn’t heard about his father’s trip, yet, but that they were getting together in a few days for dinner to hear about his father’s experience there in Brasil. We, then, all talked about what we knew of the Medium, what he did and the kinds of things people have said to have experienced there- the healings that people had experienced.

       I met the roommate’s boyfriend on one more occasion at my son’s babysitter’s place, and he said that his father had gone to John of God’s place to be healed from Cancer. He mentioned that his dad had a powerful experience, that he meditated for nearly 16 hours a day, and had had a powerful experience at the waterfall they have there. And that his father wanted to bring John of God to the Omega campus.

       My son’s babysitter said that she wanted to help me in any way that she could- especially since I was in an abusive relationship with my son’s father, for years already.

I knew that my heart, and my soul cried out for healing- years of mental, emotional and spiritual abuse (and occasionally physical) at the mercy of my son’s father had to come to an end. I was at a time when, for the sake of saving myself, and thereby my son’s upbringing, I had to get out.

       I had been empathetic all my life, and the clairaudience began to emerge in a way that I could clearly detect in my early twenties. I needed help. I was in pain.

       I made plans that spring to save my income tax return to buy the plane fare to take myself and my soon to be six year old son to Brasil and meet João de Deus and these Entities I had heard of.

       Then, in early May 2007, I got an email forwarded to me by my friend, Mary. From one of the lists she belonged to in the yoga teacher community. It said that John of God was coming to the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck and that registration would begin on June 6. I was floored. I couldn’t believe it- that boy’s father had actually done it- he was bringing John of God to America- and to a place just miles from my home. 
{part 2, coming in 2 days 9/27/17}

23 September 2017

{Unhealed Pattern- Soul Imprint- Draconian Invasion - writing February 11-18, 2015}- part two, from "earth~spirit"

Now, I will go to the “past lives” that are in the fore of my consciousness where this imprint has influenced the story I lived.
  • Lemuria: Chosen as the first incarnation that I would take in a new form here on Earth. I was, as I explained, a Healer and here of course to embody my Soul Blueprint of Unconditional Love and Light with the new humans here, who were also Galactic Humans incarnated here from myriad parts of the Galaxy. We shared that mission of rebuilding, creating, and supporting the energies of the Original Blueprint of the Earth experiment. Now, from what I am reading in one particular account of Galactic History, it was just after Maldec was destroyed in 46,686 BC that Lemuria was destroyed. One account says that it was destroyed by the authoritarian society of the Antlanteans, most of who had allied with the Draconians. Maldec for what I have read was a Reptillian society, which does make sense to me as the Reptilian races are known for having effectively bred-out the emotional counterpart of their makeup and are solely mental process oriented beings. Other Akashic Records readers have put forth that Lemuria is a society that preceded Atlantis, the two not having existed simultaneously. All I know is that in this, my first life experience incarnate on Earth, once again my Home and my way of life that I shared with the other Light beings and healers of our collective society, was destroyed by Negative invading forces. I, and many others, had sensed that this was coming. Many of us chose to opt out with some sort of physical death.
  • 8 Lifetimes ago, Early 900 AD- Pictish Female incarnation (Matrilineal clan way of life, the Pictish nobility- my men, my family, my people murdered by the Scots)
  • 4 Lifetimes ago, Late 1300’s - Female incarnation, enforced spouse of plantation owner in northeast Brasil, a marriage enforced by my father when I was young to form a business alliance with the man who was owner of this plantation (my home was burned and destroyed by slave uprising, which happened suddenly, during the night, total chaos- myself possibly murdered)
  • 3 Lifetimes ago, Mid-Late 1400’s- Female incarnation, Healer, Bear Clan, Nambe pueblo/Chimayo area of New Mexico – equality amongst the men and the women of the clan (my Soul mate/my Husband, a warrior and medicine man, was killed by a disease we had never seen/experienced [was not small pox], brought by murderous Spanish scouts)
  • 1 Lifetime ago, Early 1800’s- Female incarnation, powerful vodun Healer, murdered by those who reviled me for my Gift to heal, I was taken out of my home by force and brought to the faux vodun ceremony where they tortured, then murdered me)
Current Lifetime experiences with Feeling Unsafe / Threatened in My Home, from the earliest experiences that I am told of and that I can consciously remember:
  • My father’s second wife told/reminded me recently that she heard of that when I was a baby, in a violent argument with my mother, my (Draconian) father had hung me out of the second story apartment window and threatened to drop me. I am imagining this was the condition if my mother didn’t comply with whatever demands he was making of her, that is to put it in a way that is much too polite.
  • I do have a brief memory, before the memory cuts to black, of my mother cowering over me, like a shield, and the vision of my father with a set of barbells raised over his head and thundering that he was going to hurl this object at me and my mother.
  • The first home, as presented in a dream a few years ago, where I had felt safe and comfortable was at 380 Main Street, Catskill, New York. The theme of this dream was actually about the 3 places in my life where I felt safe and comfortable, and was forced to move by some outside force. (Find the record in my journal of this dream) The move from this place occurred when I was 12 years old, after my grandmother had died, and our landlady also died and our building was being sold.
  • The second home where I felt so safe and comfortable was in my life as an exchange student in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná, Brasil. I was forced to leave there as the contractual conditions of the Rotary Club International exchange student agreement is that the student must leave the host country and return home at the end of the year. Returning to the United States, to Catskill, New York, to the home where my mother hosted the Negative soul, called her “boyfriend”, was a repeat of this pattern- forced from a Home and way of life I loved, by an outside force against my will, or feeling that I had no say in the matter.
  • The third home where I felt safe and comfortable was at 54 Barrow Street, New York, New York, where I naively was renting a rent-controlled apartment from a friend of my godmother’s, not having any education or knowledge of the dangers of renting a rent controlled apartment in Manhattan. This situation included being verbally abused and threatened in the middle of the night by the apartment owner, who would enter the apartment while I was sleeping to scream obscenities at me, threaten physical violence, then he would steal my belongings and throw them away while I was on the night shift at my job around the corner. This situation “ended” in court and in a move to an apartment on Avenue B between 10th and 11th Streets, where my life spiraled into isolation, depression, attempted suicide, and finally a divine intervention which extricated me from the city and back to the Catskills-

- where more nightmarish home situations would ensue, one after another until the present day. I have not ever felt wither safe nor comfortable nor in charge of my own home or living situation. There has always been some outside force threatening my safety, my sense of security, a sense of “place”, or the sacredness of the space, the inner sanctum that my personal energy creates.

3:33 pm, February 18, 2015
I have been steadily writing this piece for almost 4 hours, now. And even though I am wanting to stoop and go to the kitchen to cook something to warm to eat (I stayed shut in here and have just eaten some snack from the box of Cheez-It snack mix I had in here), as soon as I went to the kitchen, the door downstairs slammed, twice, and I felt that same feeling that is too familiar, the one I want to be rid of for once and forever- feeling like an dark energy is beginning to surround me from above and all sides of my upper body. And I decided that I must return to my room, where Archangel Mechael, in communication through the use of my pendulum, has advised to write of a few examples of recent times whose effect I continue to feel most deeply. I really do not want to do this, and the examples are still charged with so much fear inside of me, I am afraid even to dredge them up to write of them here, even though it seems that I must in order for the process that I have undertaken here to be “complete” as it were.  And I am going to list these things quickly. I do not want to allow myself to go into detail.

1221 Church Road, apt. #1, Saugerties, New York 12477

  • ·        When one of the teenage sons upstairs broke my son’s electric car/2nd birthday present from my mother and everyone denied it
  • ·        When that same person broke into my van and stole the CD player and the inspection sticker from the windshield, and when I confronted him about it, he threatened to bash my head in and called me a fucking witch, amongst other things
  • ·        When the landlady refused to get involved and the police told me that they would not come dust for fingerprints and that I could not recover my stolen items
  • ·        When my “friend” at the time brought her son to my son’s birthday party, and her son stole my son’s birthday money from the birthday cards
·        When I knocked quietly on the adjoining wall of my bedroom, because it was almost 4 o’clock in the morning, and the neighbor’s blaring television was loud enough to penetrate my earplugs- all night long- and he punched his side of the wall so hard that not only did all the walls shake, but so did my entire torso, and I lay in bed having a nervous breakdown for the rest of the night because I could feel his anger and the violence with which he punched the wall
This apartment, 343A Wittenberg Road, Bearsville, New York 12409

  • ·        How the neighbor downstairs immediately began to try to manipulate me to “do things” for her, of course in ways that were meant to be “veiled” by the cover stories of “last minute”, her acting “victimized” by whatever, by a (fake) suicide attempt
  • ·        The constant door slamming whenever she hears the first noise of footsteps across our floor, as it is completely quiet downstairs until I move across the floor, usually from my bedroom to the kitchen
  • ·        How she has always been inside when I arrive in the driveway, as I have often seen her in the kitchen in her window, then ‘all of a sudden” she is outside chain-smoking and blowing the smoke up my porch (she knows the smoke makes me feel sick)
  • ·        All of the threatening notes that she has left on my stairs, as well as stealing the things I have had on my steps.
  • ·        The landlord defending her any time I have made mention of harassing behavior
  • ·        That I was allowed to ask for her Soul group in the Akashic Records when I sensed that something was “off”, and I found out that she is of the Changeling Collective- who are the foot-soldiers of the Draconian race and who get their energy to survive through manipulation, chaos and depression. They create it in their environment through their own feigned victimization, therefore manipulating and creating chaos and attempting to create depression in the Beings who surround them. Then they draw from this energy.
    With this all written, I am now looking to and wondering what the next step can be in clearing this imprinted pattern from my Soul, so that it no longer in this lifetime, or in any subsequent lifetimes (even though, at this point, I want to never, ever incarnate here again) is affecting the most important element of my physical life- Home. As I stated at the start of this piece, I want my own this land and build Casa Luna and the Ursus Sanctuary. These are the projects of which I am la doña, so to speak. It can not materialize, nor can I be in full charge of these projects, if I have this imprint on my Soul. There will always be some threat on my enterprise. Although, as I also said, perhaps I will no longer want or need them, once this imprint is cleared. But I do so much want to create this healing sanctuary for the wild animals and a place in this area where humans can learn to reintegrate into the true life.
Also, as I have not actually stated, I feel confused about what I want and where I am going. All I know is that many Lifetimes of issues have been coming to the surface to be healed, all throughout this current lifetime, and that I have clearly seen after the energetic upgrades that I received at the point of my “reset”, the Akashic Record clearing in 2010.

19 September 2017

{Unhealed Pattern- Soul Imprint- Draconian Invasion - writing February 11-18, 2015}- part one, from "earth~spirit"

Unhealed Pattern
Soul Imprint, Affecting Lifetimes
Feeling Unsafe, Being Threatened and Abused in My Home
Likely origin of pattern- the Draconian Invasion of Hadar-Beta Centauri
February 11, 2015
I promised myself last night, as I am re-reading this book on the Akashic Records, that I would then record what I had brought out into clarity last night. Not that I haven’t already known of this information, but now it would seem that I am meant to do something constructively with it because I have a recurring pattern of being threatened by negative forces in my Home. I am meant to begin to write down from the first incident and lifetime that I can remember and continue throughout all of the lives that I can recall where this is a deep theme. It is important because it is time to release myself from this, else I will most likely never know any peace or self-dominion in the place that I call “home”, nor shall I ever realize my dream of the Ursus Sanctuary or Casa Luna. And perhaps even I may not have these dreams once this process has been completed. This I do not know. My Lifetimes and the Record are teaching and transforming me all the time.

February 18, 2015
Doing this kind of work can lead me into seeing how my emotions are twisted like a neglected skein of yarn. Sitting down to unravel this requires not only patience, but discipline and also an energetic space to chip away at something that has been an invisible yet powerful supporting energy of how the story of so many of my lifetimes has been written. I don’t know of any other humans in my sphere who have any inkling of other lifetimes. I would say all of them are completely mired in the 3rd dimension, even for all of any meditations with which any of them may profess to be engaged. This is a lonely place for me, meaning that I do not have anyone to talk with when I am attempting to work out these issues that have been surfacing throughout my current life, and especially with the upgraded consciousness that was gifted to me five years ago after the clearing of my Akashic Record. No one here even knows what the Akashic Record is, well except for Susun as she is the one who told me that it was there that I was during the voyage under the influence of Salvia. But she is Draconian, and I am not open to sharing anymore the deepest workings of my process of unfoldment with a draconian, no matter what work that have undertaken to do for humanity at large in this earthly sojourn, for I know how very personal relationships are maneuvered by them as a race. My heart chakra is no longer up for siphoning.

So, since I have awoken relatively early today, and I am feeling acutely this energy of unsafety in my home today, it would seem the time to begin. Today my Masters have asked me to be sure to not engage with the outer, via forms such as social media and the telephone. Very often I seek to engage myself with these media when I am feeling very hyper and unsettled inside, for I am avoiding being quiet and looking within. But I want to look within, and I want to be free of distraction. I promised myself that if I could find a job, and I was alleviated from the high stress of scrambling and worrying for the bill money, that I would devote some time to the writing.

I am unhappy here. I would say “of course”, but I know that that would be a sarcastic and cynical punctuation to the intensely uncomfortable situation that I am again finding myself in. Once again I am finding my Freedom under abusive threat by a negative soul, a “changeling” this time. This is my first known experience with navigating the energies with which they manipulate.  While I lament as such, I know however that I have purposefully placed myself in this situation- for one because I am told in my own clearing in 2010 that one of my Life Lesson(s) is “Confidence”, that is “confidence through responsibility”. I am taking this now to mean through the conscious responsibility of the creation of my physical life experience, obviously as contrasted with feeling victimized by the circumstances and helpless to change or transform what I experience in my world. And my second Life Lesson is “Freedom”, I was told that it is “freedom through confidence”. So one shall beget the other. I am looking at my current lifetime and I have indeed suffered many bullies and tyrants, most especially in personal relationships, not primarily so called romantic, but some very significant friendships as well. What I am looking at now is the bullying in my own home, which is pointed out to me repeatedly is not actually “my” home. And in choosing to be July born in this lifetime, with a Moon placed in the sign of Libra, as well as my soul root of being Hadarian, Home and a harmonious and beautiful home is top bill for me.

Here are the “past lifetimes”, that I have remembered, where the theme of my Home is threatened and destroyed by outside negative forces was/is a central theme, starting with what I am told and what I can remember about the invasion and destruction of Hadar:
  • We lived on Hadar as a Collective that espoused Unconditional Love. It was a way of life, not without individuation meaning that we had individuality, but the quality of all life expression was that of Unconditional Love- everyone was seen and heard and not judged. Hadar has been also described as a sort of “destination planet” for those in this Galaxy, perhaps beyond, who wanted to visit a place where Unconditional Creator source love is the way of life. I do not feel that there was any form of violence or manipulation or malice inherent in the society, there was no need for this as these are qualities that are manifestations of an individual’s disconnection from Source. As the story is often told, we saw that the experiment on Earth, that of an environment of contrast/duality, free will and high individuation of consciousness, was beginning to go awry and we as a collective wanted to assist in steering the energies back to the Intended trajectory. Because we knew that we could. Because we knew that Power and the Purity of Unconditional Love. Because through the direction of this Power, we meant no harm. So, it is true that as depicted in the modern movie Avatar, we as a collective consciousness bonded our individual energy signatures in sending a beam of love and light toward the Earth and the life forms that already existed on Her. This, as told in the legends, attracted the attention of the Draconians, who after losing the Galactic War, had seen an opportunity to be in energetic control, for the souls, in general who had embodied to Earth were less experienced, “younger” souls (meaning souls who were not yet awakening to their higher selves while in form). Now this all is so far an amalgam of all that I have read and heard so far from many different sources, the parts of the stories with which I have come into contact that ring true inside of me. And the “end” of this story is that because the Draconians would not tolerate any interference in their plans to be in control of the energies on this very new planet, they promptly engaged in a physical war on the inhabitants of Hadar. Yes, this means the picture of what has been played out in many SciFi movies of the 20th-21st century: spaceships, bombs, lasers, prisoners, rebels, escapees. It is written in My Akashic Record, as I was told in my 2010 reading, that I am one of the “handful” of Hadarians who fought the Draconians, and I escaped the mass post war enslavement that was occurring to the Hadarian people. Escapees are said the have traveled via the Alpha Centauri star system. We were received on Alpha Centauri, apparently because we were valued for our own technological achievements, perhaps because of the fact that we Hadarians were the designated Keepers of the Stargate and Time Travel wormholes throughout this Galaxy. As I stated in my piece about Alpha Centauri, I stayed with them for the equivalent of 3 Earth lifetimes, as the deep devastation I felt about what had happened to my Home, to the people that I loved, my friends, my family, and to our way of life needed so much time to heal. It has never truly healed. This is the scar, the imprint that I have carried in a part of my deepest self for many thousands of years.
(PART TWO, on Saturday Septmber 23rd)

17 September 2017

2012 Leveled Up (?) !

I simply wanted to make a note that I have noticed that,  since 2012,  clients are presenting with a higher octave, when I read of their "soul vibration number". Ten years ago in 2007, when the Soul Realignment course materials that I have were created (I got certified in 2010), a soul would most likely be seeking this work once they reached 5.0 (5th Dimension) on the scale. All of the client work that I've managed to do, at least since 2014, they are now presenting with 6.0.

       Of special note, I recently worked with someone, doing a healing-services-exchange.  It was  curious that she, being Polarian, presented with a 5.0! Previously, Polarians, being very earthy, "practical" souls, would present somewhere in the 4.0-4.7 range. This particular Polarian, however is also very spiritual-seeker oriented, so, which she says really got ignited for her at the Harmonic convergence of 1987.
It may not look like it from the outside, with all of the wild and transformative energies that are sweeping about our current, chosen planetary home- but it looks to me like the pivotal energetic opportunities that were presented to us in 2012 are really working!  I think we've Leveled Up!

15 September 2017

Bless, Digest and Love that Body

      I took a trip to the ER early in the summer. This was just before the HMO kicked in, so I couldn't go to my GP. I counted it as part of my commitment to experiencing new things, since I was uncomfortable going there. I'd never had a sonogram, since I had a minimally technologically invasive pregnancy with. They gave me one there. It was fascinating.
       The attendant nurse, at first had been greatly annoyed, and scolded me (!), for being in the ER because my GP didn't take straight Medicaid, and the relative minority of my issue. The pain in my solar plexus was a 7+, and recurring and I had been opting to deal with on my own since we lost our medical insurance ten months ago. I felt like it was time to have myself looked at and into during one of these episodes. And I am scolded for it!
       When he came back in to attend to more of my test charting I said, "Hey. Let's just talk like human beings."
       He was still rushing about, and breezing over me.  
       "I'm so sorry I had to come here," I whispered. 
       {retrospect perspective} I sometimes have that whole I should be healing and doing my own health care always, no exceptions thing that healer type folks sometimes have. The other trigger in here was someone being angry with me for taking care of my body self. 
       Fuck. Why was this stranger so pissed at me? I started to feel emotional, like choked up.
       I go again, feeling compelled to explain and/or justify myself, "I've been dealing with this on and off for months, now and I don't want to ignore it in case it's something important."
       I was really upset. I swear, a tear flushed down my cheek. I felt terrible.
       He turns in a bit of a flourish to face me.
       "Oh, no," he said with that 'awwww' tone. "Don't feel bad. I'm sorry!" 
       "I mean, I know where you're coming from. I know it's busy here," I offered.
       "And we're dealing with short staff," he added. 
       He placed his hand on my right shoulder, "Don't worry. We'll take good care of you."
       "I so appreciate the help with this," I said. "Thank you."
       He nodded and he was off. 
       But here's what I was getting to by telling the story of how the nurse and I softened to one another, because it set the stage for this Inspiration that I had, as I lie there receiving wonderfully refreshing intravenous hydration. And the moment that I shared it with him.
       So, I had been thinking of what an old acquaintance had said to the group in what I can only remember as a blurry din of conversations punched with laughter, smoke and a lot of laying around. "Did you know, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, the first thing that forms is one long tube?" That one line, the only bit of that night that jumped out at me and has stayed with me since. She was talking about the digestive tract, which goes in one long stretch from the mouth to the perineum. Giving a  quick read over some medical textbook type information does not prove the trueness of this declaration.  

However, it did get me thinking that every organ
and body system's function
is dependent on
the loving attention to the sacredness of alimentation.  
The Sacredness of Alimentation.
Doesn't that sound wonderful?
       It's so amplified for me lately, how much people fight with their bodies, like it's some kind of enemy that must be conquered. I have also been that way, so I know. But something begins to happen when you make a commitment to love yourself, no matter what.
       Less than a year ago, everything changed about the way that I eat, what foods I want and when. All of a sudden I manifested a natural aversion to almost all of my favorite foods.  It was not that I didn't want them, mentally, but when I put them on my tongue, my body screamed "Nooooooo!" That means most dairy items (cheese, butter and milk), bacon, bread, pasta, beer, beans, pizza (!!waahh, say it isn't so!!), and other things left my palate. Other foods came in. I can't even stand the smell of pizza, anymore. So sad. Or is it?
       Last summer I got a scholarship from the Omega Institute to do the week long 'Trance Mediumship' intensive with Tony Stockwell. I love channeling! I also enjoy incorporating as well. I want to do more of it. Much more. It feels awesome, there is a euphoria joy and a feeling of being completely safe in the Oneness. "It's weird", like people say. In that pinnacle year of 2014, I devoured a book by Sanaya Roman, called Opening to Channel, which many people learned about from the movie, Spirit Channelers in America. (scroll down the right side bar of this blog for a thumbnail player of this movie)  I read of her guide asking her to condition her body to be a better container for the higher vibrational energies that his fuller presence would bring. After the mediumship week, and the wonderful, ability affirming partner exercises that I experienced there, I was feeling some of that.
          "I want my body to be a stronger,
           more appropriate container for higher Light"
           was my general intention/declaration. 
       With some modifications to my I AM statements, things began to change... I did not notice at first. Like the foods I ate, and then my body herself. It was a pretty swift transformation, relatively. I think my digestive system was a bit shocked by this. I had to pull back from autopilot and pay attention. Many of my favorite foods, so I found out when I put them in my mouth, would feel so revulsive that I would need to wash my tongue off after I spit it out! Macaroni, potatoes, others. Those foods I don't eat anymore. Or, sometimes frequent consumption of certain foods that I used to eat, that still feel fine to eat, make me feel as if I had an extra layer of density all around my body. Then, I get uncomfortable in my flesh and have to stop, do a cleanse, some TaeBo. That density is uncomfortable. I am transforming and having to completely relearn myself, because the Self has changed. I am listening deeply and partnering with my body in preparing her for my Soul's seat herself here.
       The human body is comprised of millions of tiny living individualized intelligences. It makes sense to be kind to them. Your body is your partner in your soul's journey on Earth. Without it you would not be here, reading this or having this experience. We tune into and listen to those that we have chosen to partner with, don't we? At least in a healthy relationship. So, I've heard. 😏
  I'm getting to it. Life spirals around in little concentric circles. Every topic is a roundabout.
So, I'm laying in this bed in the ER, thinking and feeling about all of this, since of my difficulties have been in the general digestive system category. And I'm feeling into how every single microscopic living organism of the human body is completely dependent upon the proper intake and assimilation of nutrients. The heart, and all of the cells that comprise the heart. That's when the nurse came back in.
       Now, after all of that tension, and then being able to reach the true being inside the other, the connection in that moment as I shared this revelation to him was the stuff I 'keep on keeping' for.
       I repeated my old acquaintance's question, prefaced with, "Is it true that..."
       "Oh my god, you're taking me way back. I don't know."
       I repeated my hospital-bed-sitting-with-my-condition-Insight. He just kind of stopped. Every thing depends on the digestive system. Everything. He never really thought about it, he said.
       There was a moment that seemed kind of long, just of paused activity and silence.
       He paused before he left my cubicle this last time, seeming to be caught in some thought.
       As was I.

September 20th, I am going in for my Endoscopy, provided I've found an escort to the appointment by then. Let's find out what's going on in this Mind-Body.

13 September 2017

all Petty Tyrants are the Same Entity

We create them. All of the petty tyrants in our lives. For all sorts of reasons, under many varieties of circumstance. When we plant our feet firmly in-our-power stance, and then upwardly expand our vision, we find out that they are all actually the same entity. The nasty neighbor, the challenging employer or co-worker, the critical parent or friend.
       But why? I know that the preferred question is 'How?' How do we create the petty tyrants, the bullies of our lives? Well, we know that our reality is created partly through our belief systems, personal and collective. We know that a belief is a thought that we just kept thinking. We know that there is certain astrological influences on a material and even spiritual level, not only the aspects at birth, but in every day season and year, personally and collectively, and even geographically. Then there's the soul's profile and the soul's plan in the scheme of things. And how all this mixes together! How we are creating ourselves through this duality reality!
       I know why, or how I have created the relentlessly pursuing petty tyrants in my world, and in the two of the most important areas of a human being's life- home and "work" (what a human does as a source of financial support/income).  It has to do with one of my chosen life qualities (also called life lesson) I wanted to learn and embody. It's a little complicated to go into it now. There is something possibly big brewing, again. I am still sorting it out for myself. But I am directed to have deer-like hearing with my ears pricked toward my center and higher self.
      {I have to say that I understand what one can go through in the process of learning to trust one's own instincts, instead of all the noise of the outer world. There are so much put upon us about how we must be. Oh! Does it take a lot of Trust, trust in the self. How much strength one must have to go against any grain, of society, of a family dynamic, because you have different requirements for growth. Maybe you're an Elm planted amongst the shrubs? No matter how many times the occasional gardener prunes you back, eventually your base becomes so strong, you're too massive to be handled by any pruning shears. They realize what you are, and they let you alone. Hopefully. 
       How beautiful to take that back, that beautiful sense of pure self, to operate from the gut, after being trained out of that natural born instinct when still so young. If you don't already do so, you can teach yourself to be still and listen to your inner voice. Then, find the courage to follow that guidance. I'll let you know how I do with that!}

11 September 2017

soul shift clearing, thinking of you

And so, this is some of what I was thinking, of some of my clients, of how it must feel to be someone who was soul-shifting. I was especially feeling for those who were engaged with this for their entire current life- until I did their soul-realignment TM. And how the adjustment must feel, if they have included their friends and family in their process, are they re-patterning themselves through any negative self-criticism (which would be based on the soul-shifting paradigm and reality and not on the current clean slate, now reality based on the soul's actual intended record/body alignment)? 

       You were soul shifting. Now you're not. You thought you were crazy, or others did. Now you know you were not. There may be some who just think you're more crazy, now that you're talking about this kind of stuff. You've spent your entire life having experiences and forming ideas about yourself. Now you learn that the self that you thought was all yourself, well, was not. That just blew the lid off a lot of things!
       How does one reconcile with oneself? When you say things like "Well I always [insert behavior pattern] when [insert recurring situation] happens." Wait.
       But do you anymore? And who was actually the one, in a soul-shifting situation, who was doing the actual acting in said situation? Who was driving the car that day? The whole thing has to be reevaluated!  
       An entire life now needs to be pulled apart, like a kinky skein of yarn., trying to get down on in there, so a smoother, more uniform ball can be rolled. I don't know what's up with the yarn metaphor that I can't seem to delete, because I just type it out again the next time I revise! We're weaving the tapestry of our lives- all of our existences woven into a tapestry of our own luminous existence, but then as is interwoven with each being with whom we have agreed to share experiences. Some fibers are cut, others are rewoven in, in a multidimensional, multicolored and layered, luminescent tapestry of  *Life* that is living, contracting, expanding, dying, birthing, breathing, pulsating all of  Existence into and out of existence. And all completely beyond our full comprehension. Probably for the better, except for those little 'glimpses' we get of it. We wouldn't wish to im/explode, would we?
       Yes, and this lifetime, in this little section of thread, of this particular 3rd/4th/5th dimensional earth time continuum, is up for examination and renewal, maybe a little smoothing and combing.  Yeah, more wool/yarn talk! How about another style?
       The road has been refreshed with a cleansing rain. Make fresh footprints! OK. Done! So, hip-hip and all that. Thank God! Let the good times roll! It's about time. Seriously. Sincerely. Let Freedom Reign for Your Soul Infused Life.  
       It is true that you may have to deal with people who may not have the expanded perspectives to understand the Soul Situations that you had created in your life, and how you have learned from them, but are now free of them as ongoing influences. But you're sure to do well.
       You may well be their teacher.

09 September 2017

"Trip Diary, via Facebook"- total solar eclipse trip 2017 posting, part 4

August 16, 2017 10:03pm
Finally checked in to the Hampton Inn, in Deer Park, IL after 8 hours drive from Erie, PA! I had to stop once for 40 min because my left hip was so pinched from sitting. I am so thankful that I booked 2 nights here. I have to remember that all of my clocks are 1 hour behind my time. We're in another time zone! Wow! I had forgotten all about that. Got a beer at the BP. Stuck my hand in the pool- it's HEATED! I got 2 hours 'till it closes for the night. I got a good mind to go get in....
the view from our room at the Hampton Inn in Deer park, IL, with our rental car in the lot
August 17, 2017 10:52am
Deer Park, IL... Woke up 3x with a night sweat (!) through the night. Thank goodness I brought extra pajamas! I'm like a wet noodle today... But there is a huge clan of Canada Geese in the field by the parking lot, so all is well. They give a good breakfast spread here. I have to force feed myself in the morning, so I'm not in trouble later in the day. Today is about reconnecting with a friend who lives 12 minutes away, and just getting acclimated... I have some pics and vids to post. I'm not quite awake yet...   You All.

August 17, 2017 11:55am
So excited to just have talked with an awesome sounding woman named Christine who has volunteered to be our very own personal Chicago tour guide tomorrow! Thanks to the Chicago Greeters. What a great talk we had, laughed a lot. Chimayo and I picked Chinatown for our tour. BUT, she says she has really flexible time, and being one who loves her city, will take us to other funky off the beaten path neighborhoods! I said we're unschoolers and live outside the box- she's digging it! OK, I'm awake, now. CHICAGO! Are you ready for me?! LOL!

August 17, 2017 7:03pm
You'll never guess what my son said has finally gotten him "into this tourist thing"... The home crafted BLEU CHEESE that we bought at the Barrington Farmer's Market! Well, f*ck! Whatever it takes. Now he's in a good mood. I ought to go back and buy all the rest! We got a week to go! LOL!
kohlrabi sprouts, beautiful peaches and layered brie from the Barrington, IL farmer's market- dinner today, with the olive tortilla chips we bought at the Tops grocery store in Western NY

August 18, 2017 12:38am
THANK YOU's, so far: Rita, for finding cover for my 2 days this week. Amy Raffe for letting me hitch with her to Beacon to get my car rental (and driving me all the way to the car rental place). Tove, for being such a sweet soul and going to my apartment to look out for my plants. Saugerties Animal Hospital for dealing with all of my neurosis about boarding my cats (I must have more separation anxiety than the cats do!). And to Dear, Dear Radka for opening her home to me and my son to stay at her place- while she goes off on her own eclipse adventure with a friend(!) this weekend. I have so much love in my heart for all of you... MORE to come
August 19, 2017 1:53am
FREE Chicago Greeter tour today. Our Guide, Christine walked us all around the Millenium Park area. I am glad that I followed my intuition and did not buy the Chicago Water taxi tickets beforehand, because she had 2 tickets for us (!), courtesy of the City. So, I got my boat ride to Chinatown anyway, *gratis*. Son and I were both exhausted after 2 hours. It's not the walking. It's the intensity of the sun and the pavement and the lack of shade that neither of us do well with.... BUT, we learned SO much about history and architecture. The Chicago Cultural Center is a beautiful historic building with the world's largest Tiffany dome.
She dropped us off via water taxi in Chinatown. THAT was both of our most desired destination. We both LOVE Chinatown. 'Had a nice late lunch at a Vietnamese/Thai place called "The Noodle". I had my first, and maybe only, official "Chicago Dog" (Chicago style hot dog) at the Cloud Gate (aka "the bean") earlier, so after our late lunch I was way too full to even consider the bobble tea. But I bought some wonderful teas in a shop in the new Chinatown, where I was the only non-Chinese person shopping.... We are going to stay here in the suburbs tomorrow after we check out of the Hampton Inn (I extended our stay one more night) and forego another trip into the city. We need to get some deep rest because the whole focus of this adventure is upon us- getting up before the birds sing to take the 6 hour drove down south to partake in the Total Solar Eclipse. Laundry tomorrow in the guest laundry in the hotel while we have our free breakfast. Then we pack out and head to my friend's house.... The adventure continues. These posts will help me put our scrap album together, later.  To You All.
too hot in the city for me, but great to see and experience new things- and always good to be near the water
August 19, 2017 5:53pm

We are SO Blessed to be in the beautiful home of my friend, Radka for today and tomorrow. I just had an excellent grocery shop at Jewel Osco grocery store. This grocery store had SO many foods that I have NEVER, ever seen before in my LIFE! I wish I could have this store near to me! We have 2 days to tank us on some real, good, nourishing foods before we get back on the road early early Monday morning. My Guides have instructed me to "Stay Focused", "stay clear on [my] priorities", "listen deeply" and to "Meditate". Well, this is a wonderful space to accomplish all of that. My son even fell asleep on the couch just before I went to shop. THANK YOU, Sister. Thank You. Thank You. (oops, I'm tearing up...)
at my friend's apartment- my son makes friends with the couch!- I set up my office right away-
our flowers from the farmer's market, our new traveling companions for the rest of the trip

August 19, 2017 6:43pm

So, the brakes on this rental car started squeaking the other day! I just called the 800 # for Enterprise. Tomorrow morning, fresh and shiny, I am going to the Enterprise office in Palatine, IL (thank God/dess they're open on Sunday) and get a new car. At the speeds that we need to do on the highways, no effing way me and my kid are going out in a squeaky brake rental car. I'm going to remove the rest of our stuff and get ready...

August 20, 2017 12:43pm (update cover photo)
My friend has this beautiful table. I set up my office immediately upon arrival. Thank you, Dear, Dear R. I love being here in the Holy Silence of your home. I You.
August 20, 2017 12:50pm

This morning I woke up early as usual- today with a heart-pounding exhaustion. Thank goodness my cell phone had the accurate time on it. I went down the road and switched out the car. Now, we're "from Indiana". I think I like that better than the Florida plates. The brakes are good. I want to see some more around here, but I am just so exhausted. This is such a beautifully quiet neighborhood. I never expected that. It seems to be a good thing to -to see if I can just lie down... and maybe even sleep some more. The sleep has not been good on this trip, but that is par for the course of travelling, I think. WE ARE DOWN TO THE NITTY-GRITTY, now. We must leave here by 4am to get down south to get in position for the eclipse. I have 6 waters frozen for our cooler bags, and our foods. 'May shop later for food incidentals. Too early to tell. Pack up the car tonight.... Whew. Exhausted. More later.
August 20, 2017 3:19pm (post on Facebook wall of this page, earth~ Spirit Medicine)
Dear friends, I am on a very intense road trip with my son to be at the center line of the Total Solar Eclipse. I have so much to share with you all. I will need ample recovery time once we return to our apartment in the woods to process and write. For now I would say to you all, if at all possible, to quiet and center yourself and clear your mind and heart. Envision the life and world that you want to be in. What do you want to do with the precious gift of this life. My Gramie, Carrie, always said, "Where there's Life, there's Hope." But it is your Faith that makes it so. 💖 Rev. Ursula Carrie

August 21, 2017 5:53pm

What an adventure we had in the traffic jam on 57, getting off and where we found our eclipse spot. I took video. It was pretty exciting! I think I've caught the fever! I may just become an official "Eclipse Chaser"... I WANT MORE! 3 hours of sleep last night (9pm-midnight, then not so good until 2:30am)
We're at a nasty hotel in Paducah, KY. Too bad it had decent enough reviews when I booked!
We agreed, we're sleeping in our clothes- on top of the covers. I got a HUGE bag o
f diotomaceous earth at home- g-d forbid we get the creepy crawlies! Grrrr... I already wrote my scathing review on Trip Advisor. I'm going to pray it out, try to get some sleep and get the F out of here at the crack of dawn.
On the flip side, my son and I are having a good time, been seeing and experiencing SO many new things. I have made some decisions about how I want to go forward in my life.... That is a whole 'nother narrative

August 22, 2017 10:36am

We're leaving this black mold infested hotel room in Paducah, KY. I have a lot of consumer advocate work ahead of me in regards to this. We're starting the 6+ hour drive to the nextt place to rest in Cahrleston, WV. Homeward Bound... I have more photos, still from Chinatown on Friday and a movie to put together of our Eclipse Chasing morning adventure.

August 22, 2017 8:55pm (update profile pic)
EIGHT HOURS haul today, all the way through Kentucky into Charleston, WV! At the Country Inn and Suites. 8-22-2017

August 23, 2017 8:37pm

Right now 8:15pm, Wednesday, August 23, 2017. At the Quality Inn in State College, PA. One more sleep stop, then super early in the morning, we take the 5+ hour drive to Saugerties, NY, pick up our awesome cats at the vet where they were boarding (we miss them so much), then to our apartment in Bearsville... Then, there are many things we both need to do... There are Changes to be made...
P.S.- These FLOWERS have been travelling with us, in this orange juice bottle since LAST Thursday! LOL! We buckle them up in the back seat, give them fresh cuts and fresh water, and bring them in to every place where we lay our heads... Aren't the Lisianthus just opening up so beautifully? And the Dahlias are holding up, too! I tell You, "Have flowers, Will Travel"! snarf!)

August 23, 2017 8:22pm
MY NEW KICKS! Fuck YEAH! I had been looking for these canvas shoes online for months now, and they were so expensive- $80-100+( and those were the "knock-offs), and I couldn't find them in black! THANK YOU, "Shoe Show" in Charleston, WV. We only went to that plaza before we checked out of the Country Inn because I wanted to take my son the "WV Beef Jerky Outlet" (freakin' awesome store, too! I got the ONLY picture of my son SMILING on this trip there! LOL! LOL! And the manager of the jerky place, Cynthia was COOL beans!). I got these babies for 30 bucks! WTF! Somebody really wants me to have a good time! LOVE these shoes, they feel awesome!
[ friend said: Woooo hoooo nothing better than new shoes]
[I reply: The shoes that I had been wearing for the whole trip had been hurting my feet so much!  These were Heaven Sent! That's why I was so happy! Comfort, finally. ]
August 23, 2017 9:04pm
When we get back- I have sooooo many reviews to write on Trip Advisor! And a yard sale to prepare w/ my son, and 4 doctor check ups to go to in the next 2 weeks (I'm finally preparing to have that endoscopy!), and car to return, and homeschool paperwork to prepare and send, school curriculum to organize, and bills to square off, and... and... and... etc. etc. AND, the rest of these photos, video- and the MOVIE that I am going to put together of the Eclipse Chase Monday morning 8/21!
(stay tuned )
BUT, I am so focused on staying Present and Being with this last night of travel, sharing this moment in this nice hotel with my son (while washing my clothes for work Friday in the guest laundry room here)... And there is the unfolding and processing of ALL that we have experienced in these past almost 9 days- THAT, for sure will take a while. This has been a life-changing experience, and no one can tell how this will shape our future... I feel SO much Love, as Always for each and every one that we have met on this Journey... wow. wow.

Read my Trip Advisor reviews from this trip.
I'm { sacredearth2017 }