14 November 2019

Enjoy Your Backdraft, You Stupid Bitches

Here's a little "public service announcement", not that I owe you one, to the fake-ass "lightworkers", the low vibrational bitches, the dark souls wearing masks of light who are trying to "keep up" with the proverbial Jonses:
 I have been informed by my Akashic Records Guides that someone recently, without my permission obviously, made an attempt to enter my Akashic Record to snoop around and find information about me. This person thinks that they were successful. My Guides in the Record told me that, of course, they led this person on a "wild goose chase", and nothing that this person thinks that they found out about me was accurate or valid.
That is one of the Beautiful Things about the Akashic Records- it's not, I repeat NOT a "public library". The guard on the Akashic Records is intense, for lack of better description, for a reason. THIS is the SACRED RECORD of Our Creator! NO TRESPASSING without permission. You need the person's permission to enter their Record, and if you ignore the Guardians' (very stern, and frightening) WARNINGS to leave the Record- you will be handed a bunch of bullshit. They got my back, just like everybody else's. And you just got thrown out onto yours.
ALSO, "my pretties", to whom this applies, ALL magic, all hexes, all threats- everything- that some novice has tried to cast against me- is found by me with a quickness AND cleared just as fast
I hope you enjoy your own back-draft. Because it is YOU who is burning yourself alive right now. So keep playing at it, little babies. You'll just be hurting yourself.
"You don't take Command. Command takes you." (Scandal.)

05 November 2019

Curse Energy: How it Works (is probably *not* what you think)

Curse energy is kind of random, meaning it is often not intentional, such as in the cases of spells and hexes. Spells and hexes, and other witch-craft of the sort, involve effort- ritual, focused energies of emotion and thought (intention).  This effort, thought and intention is sent deliberately to the subject. The intention, through the ritual and effort is designed to stick.
Curses? Not so much... A curse can start out as something as simple as someone saying about a co-worker, "I hope Bob/Mary doesn't get that promotion." Now generally speaking, the energy of this kind of "under-the-breath" comment of a jealous (or envious, or low feeling) co-worker would completely miss colliding with the energy fields of Bob or Mary- if Bob or Mary has no feelings whatsoever for the co-worker that made that remark.
© jaycee - http://www.redbubble.com/people/jaycee
I need to take an aside right here and remind everyone of how it was said so famously in the Bible, "In the Beginning there was the Word." However, I integrated an amendment of this statement some years ago (the source of which is now lost to my consciousness, though its resonance of Truth remains), "Before the Word was Intention." Soon after this revelation, I learned (again, source forgotten) that the Universe was created through sound waves (the- spoken- word).  I felt it, that this made sense, then.
[You know how it goes, with these series of synchronistic moments, in which some larger and greater Truths about life are being revealed to the human consciousness. And these moments are all strung together, usually at some unexpected time much later, and laid out to be seen and understood- in a way that makes the top of your head tingle and your heart center expand with a feeling of inner knowing and peace- even if that feeling-moment of realization comes and goes quickly.] 
Here's a science article I recently found:
click the TEXT above, left
 to read the short article

Sounds of the Ancient Universe

 and hear the sound byte
I do know this: Words are Powerful
However, it is not the actual configuration of alphabetic characters, in whatever language. It is about the meaning ascribed to them. When words are spoken aloud, the meaning of the word is held as intention by the speaker, whether they realize it or not. Words, in verbal and written communication, are chosen for the meaning they convey, singularly or in a phrase or sentence.  Words are said to be used to express the intangible, however the effect of the word (energy) is tangible indeed.
Link to *Daily OM* Article in Photo
Reality Soup. A curse is born.
So, it stands to reason that even something spoken "on-the-fly" could have an effect on someone's physical reality. Words carry the Intention of their Meaning.
By the way, we are also grooming our Conscious/Subconscious Mind every day with the "I
Try some sweet self-talk, instead
AM"s that we say, which also influences our reality. 
And, it is possible that some of the more negative self-talk in these "I AM"s may be the influence of a Curse energy, or negative thought form or entity attachment, etc... Which originated/generated with something that was inside of the Self. 
Yes, it doubles and triples and quadruples around! It is called The Spiral of Life for many reasons!  It's quite a complex soup of elements that create the physical life reality that a human being experiences. 
The right-use of Emotion, and secondly Thought, are the biggest tools and factors in determining how a physical life reality is played out, and how it is perceived and played-with by the human on center stage. (You are at the center stage of your own life, and all the others around you are actors playing their parts. The same is true for everyone around you, too. You are an actor, playing your part in their masterpiece. This is just an iteration of what's already out there.)
So, How does Cures Energy "Attach"?
In the above scenario, when the co-worker said,  "I hope Bob/Mary doesn't get that promotion.", I said that the curse energy wouldn't touch the energy field of Bob or Mary if Bob or Mary didn't have any feelings or thoughts whatsoever for the co-worker that uttered those words.  
However, if Bob or Mary feels some sort of animosity about that co-worker, if there have been some negative exchanges with Bob or Mary with this co-worker, if Bob or Mary is holding some sort of lower vibrational thoughts or feelings for the co-worker, say anger or resentment, then this sets the stage inside the energy fields of Bob or Mary- to receive the curse energies directed towards them. 
Yes, we *receive* the curse energy!

Curses are not actually "thrust" upon us.

As I said in the Negative Entities: A Primer post:   https://ursulacarrie.blogspot.com/2019/11/negative-entities-primer.html

it is also True here, too, "Like Attracts Like". It's called having a "Receptor Energy". 

interesting tid-bit from Google images
This can spiral around again to the concepts inherent in the Law of Attraction that, as we slip down the vibrational scale of emotion (emotions being our inherent guidance system to navigate our physical life experience, and lead us onto the path of our highest purpose and life expression), so too do the Manifestations slip down into what we may not want in our life experience. Lower vibrational/dimensional entities reside in the lower vibrational/dimensional planes of the Earth. (This whole subject of Dimensions and planes of Existence... another day! Different post, or several. Lol.) Making contact with energies such as Negative Thought Forms, Negative Entities, having Receptor Energies to Curses, I directly associate with those Times when we dip down into "exploring" the lower vibrational, or negative, emotions and thought patterns available to us as Human Beings. This is Being Human, what we signed up for. We're here for the whole gamut of experiences as an Eternal Being, enhoused in a 3D (ascending to 5D for most of us) physical body, in an environment of deep Contrast. So, of course the experience would be this energetic soup of Manifestations, ours and that of Others, seen and unseen.
Can I Avoid Curses?
Yes and No. I don't think that Curse Energy can not be avoided completely, but curse energy "sticking" does depend on a number of factors, the first factor being the Self. Not to worry, as they say. I, personally, do not believe that everyone is going to be riddled with curse energy every time there is a negative thought, word or emotion passed between two human beings. If this were true, every one of my clients would have been full of them!  I'd be catching curses every day! 
The feeling-element present in the receptor energy has to be pretty strong. The remorse or the guilt, for example, has to be pretty deep, at some level. Generally speaking, I typically may find 2-to-5-or-6 curses on someone's Akashic Record, scattered throughout the various Issues, that will come up for clearing on a first session. But don't quote me on that! Every Soul is different. It's never the "same old story" when I go to do a reading/investigation.
The key probably is: First and only- don't think about it. Focus on your heart, keep your nose on your own path, and just live. These things are going to happen at some point in the Earth Journey. We're playing at this creation-manifestation thing here, folks. We're experiencing ourselves as Creators. It's all good, even when the cake comes out of the oven like a pudding! 
Many of you reading this right now have some sort of restrictive energies on your Soul Record, and you know it, because you feel it. But you may not yet able to explain it, what you feel, or if anyone would believe you if you could... 
The good news is that- the Consciousness of the Human Being decided, as a Collective, to move ahead with this Plan to Ascend (the Consciousness), while the Soul is enhoused in a dense Physical body/vessel. 
So, more information about the seen and unseen ways in which this Reality functions is becoming available to the masses who are open/opening up to it. Knowledge is power" also applies, here. With this addition of Knowledge (of energy, ghosts, entities, universal laws, etc...) to the Human Collective, we are better able to steer our own ship- and be Guided- through this sea of multidimensional energies in this place we call Earth. As Humanity is ready, the teachings and the tools for healing and expansion appear for use- like Soul Realignment.

One More Thing: Some Curses are not "on-the-fly", though. 
Some people do have curses that were not placed by anyone that they have met, or even had the opportunity to meet! This type of curse is not random, it is specifically placed malevolent energies. A generational curse may be set to activate at a certain time in life, can be either on the males or the females in the family, can be on the first born or second, could be set to skip a generation (so affecting the grandmother/grandfather and granddaughter/grandson), etc. A multiple of scenarios are possible with a generational curse. 
Another Google image to illustrate.
(I didn't follow the image link.)
A Scenario:  Say, a generational curse of "financial strife" was placed upon the bloodline of a certain wealthy family, back in 1727, by someone who was done wrong by the patriarch of this wealthy family in 1727. The curse says that when the 1st born male of the father's direct bloodline turns 18, the curse of "financial strife" will activate. So, in scenarios with multiple sons, there would be a pattern throughout the family history of those who carry the direct bloodline of this Patriarch, that the 1st born son (who was doing great until he turned 18) is now forever down-on-his-luck, while subsequent sons all seem to prosper financially.
Obviously I made that up to illustrate. I haven't encountered any generational curses, specifically, in the many years of my practice. It would be great to get that cleared for some folks, though, whenever the opportunity appears!
😂 Some Comic Relief! 
"15 people Muse on the Mildly Inconvenient Curse 
they would Put on an Enemy
They're all funny, but #7 had me LMAO! 

Also, as I searched for "curse" images to accompany this article, here was is an interesting find. I'm not affiliated with any particular religion, but I found it interesting to read it explained in this religious context. I also liked how it was talking about the importance of not speaking curses over your children: 
The Worst Word Curses Aren’t From Witches and Satanists

Hope this musing helps you to understand how curse energy works! Happy Travels! 

💖 and Thank You for Being Here 💖 
XoXo ~ Ursula Carrie

"Curse" Dictionary.com

03 November 2019

Negative Entities: A Primer

Received- October 30, 2019
Entities are attracted to the energy that created them. They are not "souls", created by The One. They are human created negative thought forms that were fed so much energy they took on a life of their own. But they can not continue to "live" unless they are able to draw energy (emotional/mental) from a living human, since negative entities are human created and human sustained. So, they look for the energies that they are "OF", in a human to sustain them (attach).
I am so often asked this question by the clients that I serve, and I have also been surprised, myself, about, "How could I have attracted that?" So, first, let's say again: we are differentiating and clarifying here that negative entities are not Souls, and what negative entities need to survive- the same energies that created them. 

How Negative Entities Attach to Human Energy Fields
A scenario... Recently, one evening, I stood at my meditation table and recounted in my mind a scenario in which I had felt wronged by someone. Now, my natal Mars being in Leo, the more I replayed the unresolved scenario, the more indignant I felt about the injustice. I mean, really upset. You know the self-talk in this scene, "How could you treat me, Me, like that, of all people?" And, as human loops do, I indulged this emotion, let myself get swept away on it- all night, and well into the next day! 

I didn't think anything of it, even with what I do, that such strong negative emotion could attract an Entity- who would be a perfect match to the lower vibrational emotion that I had been indulging. In this case that was "indignity", and feeling a great amount of "anguish" in my heart that I could be so wronged, and how could they act so disgracefully. 
So, why was it a such surprise to me when I discovered this particular Block, Restriction in my Akashic Record not too long later:
  • 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) Entity
  • 4th Chakra (Golden Web) Tear
  • Emotional Body program: "indignity"  "mortification" "ignominy" (dishonorable conduct, public shame or disgrace) also "suffering" (to be upset)
[I cleared it, along with the few other things I found on my Record in that session.]

"It's OK to feel indignant, just don't stay in it so long!" (Lol.) 

The words of my Guide Team, after I cleared myself 

and had a good chuckle at my own energetic folly. Lesson learned! :)

The Lesson is This- Yes, it is true that we, as eternal Souls, have come here to this Earth, to participate in Being Human- and this means everything that goes with it, most especially being able to Experience a myriad of Emotion. I was all caught up in my justification that, "Well, I came here to experience being human, so I'm going to fully indulge whatever emotions come up for me. That's my right." Lol. However, a healthy amount of detachment can spare me an attachment, next time! (Detachment, meaning the practice of: Being the Observer of the emotion/experience- when we start spinning our wheels in a negative thought and/or emotion, which inevitably becomes one of the causes of suffering. Obviously! You see the webbing-up of the various spiritual teachings/philosophies?)
Repetitive negative (as well as positive!)👍"Thoughts Create" (really, Emotions Create)- and they also Attract- a physical reality that is a complex soup of Energies, of which we as human beings, are the main creators- but not the only participants. 
Remember here: Negative thought forms, that took on a life of their own and became Entities, were once the strong, repetitive negative Thoughts and/or Emotions of a Human being, at some point or another in human history. Keep in mind this idea that- that the original creator of the negative thought form, which took on its own life, may have passed from the physical plane, which leave the Entity to need to seek and find like-energies in another human being to attach to, and draw life force energy from...
Repetitive negative emotion/thought=negative thought form+continued "feeding" of the negative thought/emotion=(eventually)Negative Entity
  Emotions Are Powerful.    I'll get back to that in another post...
The scenario that I used, above, to show how a Negative Entity can attach to a human involved the Emotional Body of the human. The strong energies were being felt in the emotions of the human, and they were strongly felt in the Heart. 
Let's Take it Further and make up a "Mental Body Scenario", using the same Program words
If the strong negative energies (say again, "indignation" and "suffering" for clarity and consistency) were being run through the Mind of the human, without emotion, as repetitive thought loops, an Entity may choose to run a Mental Body Program when they are attracted to attach. 
For further illustration- about the Chakra to which an Entity might be attracted-to attach: Say, also in this scenario, along with thinking about some "dishonorable conduct" the human has witnessed and doesn't like- say the ability of the human to Speak Up about the "disgrace" is impeded, or the human thinks that their ability to be heard/speak up is being blocked, and in their thoughts they have been so "mortified" about it that they are "suffering"/"upset" about not being able to speak on the issue- then this Mental Body Program may be run at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra).  
The Program, with the presence/attachment of the Entity there at the 5th Chakra, and the resulting Tear* of the 5th Chakra, would amplify the already experienced strong negative thoughts the human had about the issue (being upset, not being able to speak up, indignity, etc..)- *leading to the dis-empowerment, completely, of the Voice... and the exaggeration of the original issue. 
So, that Mental Body Scenario would've looked like this:
  • 5th Chakra Entity (Throat Chakra)
  • 5th Chakra (Golden Web) Tear
  • Mental Body Program: "indignity"  "mortification" "ignominy" (dishonorable conduct, public shame or disgrace) also "suffering" (to be upset)
Entity attachment at one energy center/chakra can be a progression which often has a "snowball-effect", creating other issues in other energy centers, which attract more Entities, etc...
For Now, in conclusion (because this topic is in no way exhausted!):
  • A Negative Entity will run a Program in either the Mental Body (affecting the person's thoughts) or the Emotional Body (affecting the person's feelings). 
  • At which Chakra/Energy Center the Entity runs this Program will depend on where the human is thinking or feeling the strongest. 
  • We attract Negative Entities through the prolonged indulgence of a Negative (Lower Vibrational) Thought and/or Emotion
  "Like Attracts Like" is True in this case of Attracting Entity Attachments as well. 
All of my clients so far have come to me- 
with multiple entity attachments at multiple chakras.

23 October 2019

OK. I'm doing the Instagram thing! Lol

Hi Everyone. Thank You for Being Here. 'Just a little note to say- I decided to do something with my Instagram account. I don't remember how long ago I signed up. I just have a few things posted right now, but I am having some fun figuring out 'video conversion' and playing with photo apps.

Come on by and follow me. Let's see what we get up to! 😊

20 June 2019

Soul Realignment™ with Ursula Carrie: Let's Begin the Client Session, Soul Shifting

💞 Hi Everyone 💞
Thank you so much for Being Here.
In May, I received an onslaught of 
Soul Realignment™ clients, 
so I've joyously been back at it!
I felt like it's time I share with you folks 
some more about The Work, 
and how I work.
Here is some edited video of the beginning 
of a recent client session. 
The client's session is where I report all of the 
Blocks and Restrictions that were cleared 
through my work in their Akashic Record, 
as well as the Soul Profile of the client.
Generally, a session is 2 hours, 
depending on how much there is to cover.
In this clip, I describe a little bit about 
what "Soul-Shifting" is, 
before we launch into what was this client's 
particular soul situation...

19 February 2019

Full Moon Speaking from My Heart [vlog] February 19, 2019 {Snow, Super Moon}

'Still in deep hibernation, but some exciting 
things are on the horizon. 
I was at work this morning and just felt 
like turning the camera on and do a quick check in. 
Thank You So Much! 
Rev. Ursula Carrie

15 January 2019

some of my self inquiry i.e. transformation

I have more to say on this topic of the transformative times we're in. 
I want to get with you if I can, here on the blog, before Sunday's Blood Moon Eclipse. Since I am sharing my words publicly with on an essay contest today, some notes that I penned to myself about the slow, deeply cleansing energy of life transition that I know I have been in since the beginning of 2017, I'll publish here first.

Be sure to check the Facebook page. I am posting a lot of links and other little video updates and things over there lately... 
There's some videos links for you to catch about this Sunday's blood moon.

XoXo Big Love.
Thank you for Being Here.
Ursula Carrie

[November 19, 2018]

rain falls on graves
and occasionally taps a pan
there was something
deep inside
that has sung to me
but the voice has died
I am a Ghost
of my Self, who Was
and I don't know
if I'll ever be anything

[ January 6, 2019]

I am awaiting the 
Rebirth of my Self
but I don't think this Self
has seen this Life, yet.
I'd rather give birth
to my son
a thousand times more.
Mine own labor pains-
are excruciating.
Have I stuck myself

in the birth canal?