19 October 2020

*Hand-Kissing* Bring-That-Back! {musing} An Occurrence...

One month ago, in the pre-dawn, I was awakened by a feeling of warm lips pressing on the back of my left hand. I opened my eyes a half-gaze to see my own arm, outstretched, palm down, and in deep Receipt of this kiss. The warmth of these lips that-I-could-not-see traveled in a wide, consolidated current up my left arm, and into my Heart center.
     I "came-to" at that Moment, 
         opening my eyes wide, 
     gasping, "What was That?!" 

   I quickly reminisced about the last time I felt that sensation on the back of my hand. The determined Passion, the [polite-but-not-for-long] Longing and Respect [but-soon-your-clothes-will-be-off]... The focused direction of those Intentions was all laid down, and transmitted into that space between the knuckles and the wrist... and then Me, melting [on the inside] into the Floor... 
[Transmission received]   Like in an old Rudolph Valentino movie (above). 

When it's done like that, I say,
"Bring Hand-Kissing Back!"

In a Pandemic World, sure, this practice probably ought 
to be reserved for those who are already intimate
since kissing someones's hand, with no mask, 
is not socially-distant or covid safe. 
But just Wait! Lol.

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