There has been a mass death of the Human Ego in 2020.
[Catalyst: "2. an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action", from Merriam-Webster ]
COVID-19 is the virus that has Awakened Humanity en masse.
How ironic that a Virus, (something that is not even scientifically classifies as "alive") that became Global in its spread, has been the Catalyst that has cured (or has begun to cure) the *Viruses* of the Mass Consciousness (!)- the distortions that have been deeply embedded in the Energy Body of the Human Collective for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years - greed, avarice, separation consciousness, competition, hard-heartedness, adulation of fame and celebrity, over-consumerism, classism, faithlessness, etc. etc.
So, What is the scientific criteria for being considered "alive"? Here's a couple of citations. There are countless other articles you can find. Just Google "viruses", or scientific classification of viruses. You'll find a lot to read.
From the Khan Academy Article in the link below:
"" Viruses are not made out of cells, they can’t keep themselves in a stable state, they don’t grow, and they can’t make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms. (Think Data from Star Trek, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica or the robots in I, Robot). Just like crazy killer robots, viruses are created fully formed, and rely on host materials to build and power themselves. ""From the article in the link below:
""Viruses are infectious, tiny and nasty. But are they alive?Not really, although it depends on what your definition of "alive" is, two infectious disease doctors told Live Science.
Living beings, such as plants and animals, contain cellular machinery that allows them to self-replicate. In contrast, viruses are free forms of DNA or RNA that can't replicate on their own.
Rather, viruses need to invade a living organism to replicate, said Dr. Otto Yang, a professor of medicine and microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.
"[Viruses are] packaged RNA or DNA," Yang told Live Science. "They make more copies of themselves by hijacking the machinery of cells to replicate themselves."
"I don't think viruses qualify as being alive. They are, in essence, inert unless they come into contact with a living cell," Adalja said. "There are some characteristics of viruses that put them on the borderline [of being alive] — they have genetic material: DNA or RNA. It's not the same thing as a rock, but it's clearly not the same thing as even bacteria, in terms of that self-sustaining and self-generated action."
Yang agreed, saying, "Without a cell, a virus cannot reproduce. And so from that standpoint, it's really not alive, if you consider life to be something that can reproduce by itself independently." ""
[How interesting, also to connect these dots: the ways in which Humanity had related, not only with each other- but to the very Earth and her various lifeforms- most certainly had a very "viral" quality- much like how a virus infiltrates and destroys the living cells of of a Human- or other living Being. It was probably long overdue for the "viral activity" of humans upon the Earth to be "revamped" a little...]
It has been a very painful death, I imagine, for those who were not already deeply ensconced in the Journey of Embodied Ascension, meaning the Unawakened must have had a very rough go of it this year... [Enforced isolation, limited contact with other humans, the cessation of social activity, leading to the reexamination of social demands, social structures and values, personal beliefs, etc... All Foundational building-blocks of the Ascension process...]
I don't make this assertion or statement gingerly.
First, I have been on the Journey of Embodied Ascension for this entire lifetime. {That's a long story.} My Awakening and My Ascension got jump started into high gear at the time of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, when I was only 15 years old. ![]() |
My Facebook Cover Photo during my COVID battle. I Knew, immediately, that I was Being Transmuted... |
Also- I am a COVID survivor, now a COVID Long Hauler. During my time battling COVID, in the Spring of 2020, and the subsequent time of complete Isolation, I wound up spending a total of 108 days alone at home. This is something that I had never done before in my life, or even considered.
Divinely Orchestrated, as it was.
This time of complete isolation I likened to what it must be to go away to some remote cave in the Himalayas to seek Enlightenment. I was not "seeking" anything, however. But what happened, when I let go of the struggle (to be busy, to fill the emptiness with "activity", etc...)- I found Myself in a Near-Constant State of Meditation....
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From My Personal Facebook Post. My 108th Day in Isolation. |
And My Soul Vibration (which is something I measure when clients come to me for their Clearing work in the Akashic Records) began to sail, upwards through the Dimensions. My Ascension was intensely accelerated from this Time in isolation!
But, I was prepared for this. I'm a natural loner, and I have been on a Lifelong Path of Spiritual Study and Practice.
Most of the Mass Consciousness of Humanity has not been on this Journey...
The rest of Humanity is being forced into Awakening- en masse.
So, where will we, as a Collective, go from here?
The pandemic is far from over.
Those of us who were already on this Journey of Awakening and Embodied Ascension, and who have completed the process- and are Still Here? We need to hold fast and steady, and be the Wayshowers for those who are Awakening now, and the ones who are about to Awaken. You remember how startling and painful it was when the Veils of Illusion began to drift away...
In a way, those of us who are 1st and 2nd Wavers (Gen X-ers and before) had it a bit easier. Even though we didn't have anyone to talk with, or who understood what we were going through, it wasn't forced on us by an Earth that Is Ascending Herself- the way it is now. Yes, We still have our lessons to learn. Growth, in its myriad forms, is a never-ending part of the Journey of a Soul, embodied. But we can hold strong, Knowing what We Know, as Pillars of Light for the Ones who are Awakening, now. After all, We Chose to Be Here. We Chose to Do This...
This post is available at my Instagram, A Blessing, an Invocation of The 8th Ray, for the Wayshowers among us. I have screenshoted it here:
For the Ones who are Awakening Now? Yes, it's confusing. Yes, you are going to want to hold on to what's seemingly dear to you. But, It Gets Better... It Does. Go ahead and Let Go, Let Change Happen. You have a very strong Trail of Light already laid for You, by Those Who Came Before You to Forge this Trail through the Darkness...
And you have Many Beings of Light from
On High Who Await Your Call for Assistance...
With Love,
Rev. Ursula Carrie